
iPhone 12 Series 5G/4G Speed Slower Than Most Leading Android Phones: Report



iPhone 12 series is slower than smartphones by Samsung, OnePlus, Google, and LG when it comes to 5G and 4G speeds in the US, a new report by Opensignal claims. Though Apple saw the biggest growth going from 4G to 5G speeds, Samsung offered the best 5G speeds overall, with majority of the phones in the top 25 list being from the South Korean tech giant. The report states that in areas with 5G connectivity, Apple users saw around 18 percent slower download speeds than Samsung.

Opensignal is a mobile analytics company that focuses on mobile network experience performance. In its latest report, the agency compared 5G and 4G speeds offered by Apple, Samsung, OnePlus, Google, and LG, the five largest smartphone brands in the US. It found that the iPhone 12 series was not even in the top 25 list of smartphones that offer the best 5G download speeds. Interestingly, this list had a majority of Samsung phones with Samsung Galaxy S21 5G leading the pack.

Apple was found to deliver average 5G download speed of 44.5Mbps and 4G speed of 18.9Mbps. In comparison, Samsung was found to deliver 54.0Mbps 5G download speeds and 34.0Mbps 4G speeds. Next in line was OnePlus with its 53.1Mbps 5G speed and 38.4Mbps 4G speed. Google was able to deliver 52.2Mbps 5G speed and 38.6Mbps 4G speed. Fourth was LG with its 5G download speed coming in at 47.9Mbps and 4G speed of 28.9Mbps.

In terms of growth, Apple’s 5G speeds grew 2.3 times compared to its 4G speeds. Samsung saw a 1.6x growth while Google and OnePlus saw 1.4x growth. LG saw a 1.7x growth moving from 4G to 5G speeds. Apple’s growth wasn’t good enough to put its iPhone 12 series among the top 25 smartphones that deliver the best 5G experience.

The report also noted that newer iPhone models did offer better average download speeds than older ones with iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max offering 36.9Mbps and 36.2Mbps 5G download speeds. However, iPhone SE (2020) delivered slower average download speed compared to the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max from 2019.

It should be noted that the iPhone 12 series is the first set of smartphones from Apple to offer 5G connectivity while Samsung is on its third generation of 5G phones with the Galaxy S21 series.

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