Indian Defense

In A First, Taliban Spokesman Gets Interviewed By Female Presenter On Afghan TV



Female presenter Beheshta Arghand talks with Taliban spokesperson Mawlawi Abdulhaq Hemad 

In an unprecedented discussion, a female presenter interviewed a Taliban spokesperson on an Afghanistan television channel over the group’s plans for the country. The development came after insurgents seized control of the capital, Kabul

In an unprecedented discussion, a female presenter interviewed a Taliban spokesperson on an Afghanistan television channel over the group’s plans for the country on Tuesday.

The development came after insurgents seized control of the capital, Kabul.

Presenter Beheshta Arghand’s discussion with Taliban spokesperson Mawlawi Abdulhaq Hemad is being claimed to be as the first time an Afghan woman has interviewed with a senior Taliban official inside the country’s borders by news channel TOLO News.

Saad Mohseni, Chief Executive Officer, Moby Media Group, who runs TOLO News, has suggested the Taliban were going out of their way to placate watching western governments and media outlets.

Mohseni, a Dubai-based Afghan-Australian citizen, said, “It’s important for them to win hearts and minds, and show the internationals that they’re legitimate and that they’re folks you can work with. In this phase, the media will have a great deal more freedom than in the latter phases.”

The female journalists of TOLO News also reported on the streets of Kabul. In a tweet, the CEO said, “Our brave female journalists out and about in Kabul.”

But Taliban may ultimately introduce tough broadcast restrictions for journalists, who ask tough questions from the new administration. The entrepreneur said, “They’re going to be in government for a while. What happens if you start criticising? You can air anything you want as long as it doesn’t criticise the government?”

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