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Nasrallah issues warning to Israel: We will fight until Gaza war ends



Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah warned that Hezbollah will not stop attacking Israel until the war in Gaza is ended, rejecting efforts by the international community to prevent an expansion of the conflict in the region during a speech on Tuesday afternoon.

“The front in southern Lebanon is a front of support, assistance, solidarity, and participation in weakening the Israeli enemy until it reaches the point where it is convinced that it must stop its aggression. This front will only stop when the aggression against Gaza stops within an agreement with the Palestinian resistance.”

Nasrallah also rejected threats by Israeli officials of a large-scale war if Hezbollah refuses to stop its assaults, saying, “If Israel had been able [to launch such a war], it would have done so on the second or third day.

“The enemy is not in the position of imposing conditions on Lebanon, as he is weak and in crisis, and he is the one who spent four months unable to complete the battle in Gaza.”

The Hezbollah leader insisted that his movement’s decision to launch attacks on Israel “stabilized the balance of deterrence and proved that Lebanon has a real deterrent power.”

Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters in Beirut, Lebanon, February 13, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/AZIZ TAHER)

Hezbollah: Preventing an Israeli victory in Gaza ‘a national interest’

Nasrallah stated that Hezbollah began attacking Israel after October 7 “primarily to prevent an Israeli victory,” stressing that this “constitutes a national interest” for Lebanon.

“The origin of the establishment of Israel in the region is a disaster for all the countries and peoples of the region,” said Nasrallah. “A strong Israel is a danger to the region, and a weak, deterred, and fearful Israel constitutes a less harmful and catastrophic situation for the countries and peoples of the region. In Lebanon, a strong Israel is a danger to Lebanon, and a deterred Israel is the one whose danger to Lebanon can be reduced.”


Nasrallah complained about the international delegations that came to Lebanon in recent weeks in an attempt to calm the situation, saying that they were only concerned with protecting Israel and refused to address Hezbollah’s demands.

Nasrallah addressed the Lebanese government as well, calling on them to make new demands to add to UNSC Resolution 1701. “Lebanon is in a strong and proactive position,” insisted the Hezbollah leader.

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