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PA condemns Israel’s plan to advance housing units in settlements



PA condemns Israel’s plan to advance housing units in settlements
The Palestinian Authority on Wednesday strongly condemned Israel’s approval to construct more than 3,000 housing units in West Bank settlements, saying the decision “destroys what is left of the two-state solution.”

A statement issued by the PA presidency said that “such unilateral measures belittle the efforts of the US administration, which would require a Palestinian response to these offensive measures based on the decisions of the Palestinian leadership, international law, and UN resolutions.”

The PA called on the US administration to implement its pledge to reject settlements and unilateral measures.

“These Israeli measures call for a decisive stance from all parties of the international community, including the International Quartet and the Security Council, to confront these Israeli decisions and practices that seek to steal Palestinian land and push matters towards a state of instability and tension, which will negatively affect everyone,” the PA added.

A HOUSING CONSTRUCTION project in Israel. (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)It also warned of the “dangers of these unacceptable practices which will have serious consequences and constitute a challenge to the recent American message calling for a stop to settlement activities.”

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Women’s journalism award rescinded over winner’s pro-terrorism comments




Women’s journalism award rescinded over winner’s pro-terrorism comments

The International Women’s Media Foundation’s 2024 Courage in Journalism Award for Palestinian journalist Maha Hussaini was rescinded on Thursday after social media posts condoning armed action against Israel were unearthed. 

“Within the last 24 hours, the IWMF learned of comments made by Maha Hussaini in past years that contradict the values of our organization,” the foundation said on Thursday. “As a result, we have rescinded the Courage in Journalism Award that was previously given to her. Both the Courage Awards and the IWMF’s mission are based on integrity and opposition to intolerance. We do not, and will not, condone or support views or statements that do not adhere to those principles.”

In an updated statement on Friday, the IWMF noted that it still recognized the importance and courage or the Gaza-based journalist and human rights activist’s work.

The rescinding of the award came after a Washington Free Beacon expose last Tuesday that revealed several social media comments by Hussaini. 

In response to a shooting against a military post in 2017, Hussaini wrote on X that “The resistance in the West Bank is entering a new phase. Thanks to the Al-Aqsa clash and glory to the martyrs.” July 14 saw tensions and a crisis develop surrounding the Temple Mount when Palestinian gunmen killed to Israeli police officers.

A MAN HOLDS a Hamas flag as he stands next to others atop a building near al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City on Monday. (credit: AMMAR AWAD/REUTERS)

The Beacon claimed that in response to the May 15 bombing of a Hamas intelligence asset in the al-Jalaa tower, Hussaini said that they would build ten towers in its place “so that our resistance can bomb the occupation again, destroy them, and rebuild them again.”

In a now-deleted X post, the outlet also claimed that Hussaini had condemned a 2015 Egyptian decision to designate Hamas’s Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades as a terrorist organization. In 2018, she had also condemned a failed US resolution chastising Hamas, arguing that “Whether we like it or not, Hamas constitutes a large part of the Palestinian society. Condemning it doesn’t only mean opposing a political party but criminalizing people’s choice to resist oppression.”

In 2017, Hussaini had also shared a cartoon from the 2006 Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Competition. In the cartoon, the world is distracted by images of the Holocaust. Behind the pictures, an Israeli soldier is hacking Arabs with an axe. 

Hussaini says she has no regrets 

Hussaini said on Thursday that she had no regrets about her comments or social media posts, blaming a smear campaign against Palestinian journalists by “supporters of the Israeli occupation and the Zionist lobby.”

“I’m very glad that both my winning the award and its withdrawal have starkly demonstrated the systematic physical and moral attacks Palestinian journalists endure throughout their careers,” Hussaini said on X. “If winning a prize entails enduring and witnessing war crimes while remaining silent, I am not honored to receive any prizes. I will always be objective in my reporting, but I can never be neutral; I will always point out the perpetrators and stand in solidarity with the victims. This is what journalism is truly about.”

The Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network condemned the Beacon for what is said were false accusations of supporting terrorism, and slammed the IWMF for allegedly rescinding the award without prior communication with Hussaini. 

“Maha is an experienced, respected journalist working under very difficult conditions in Gaza,” said the network. ” We are extremely disappointed that IWMF took this decision, and we remain concerned for Maha’s safety.”

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‘A completely different movement’: The revolution Sinwar created out of Hamas




‘A completely different movement’: The revolution Sinwar created out of Hamas

Journalist Shlomi Eldar has plans to release a new book titled Hamas – From a Social Movement to War Crimes, a follow-up to his 2012 book Getting to Know Hamas. in preparation for the release, Eldar recently spoke with Nissim Mishal and Maya Ziv-Wolf on 103FM radio about the significant changes in the terrorist organization over the years.

“Hamas is a completely different movement since Yahya Sinwar was released from prison in the Shalit deal. It didn’t take him long to completely transform Hamas. Hamas knows they are challenging Israel and carrying out attacks in a way that doesn’t endanger their survival. On October 7, I was as surprised as everyone. This was the general perception in Israel among the political echelon, the military echelon, and even those who studied Hamas,” Eldar began his remarks.

“In Getting to Know Hamas, I wrote a sentence that has stayed with me: ‘Israel built Hamas not through its actions but through its failures.’ When I studied Hamas after October 7, even when I saw a sort of military coup that Sinwar was making in Hamas, it wasn’t clear to me how much Netanyahu’s conception was political. We need to talk about Israel’s and Netanyahu’s behavior,” Eldar added.

Palestinian Hamas terrorists take part in a rally during the 35th anniversary of Hamas founding, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, December 14, 2022. (credit: REUTERS/IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA)

Sinwar has one concern: to reach an end to the war

“Sinwar’s behavior has been clear since the first day of the war. Hamas committed war crimes in Israel. What interest does Sinwar have in reaching a hostage deal and stopping the war? His current interest is to keep Hamas alive. He will agree to release the hostages, but only in a deal that stops the war. Netanyahu says we will agree to a deal and then eliminate Hamas. Who would accept that? In my opinion, the war will continue,” Eldar continued.

“On October 16, I wrote an article in Haaretz saying that Netanyahu is more interested in eliminating Hamas than in releasing the hostages. Unfortunately, I was not wrong. It pains me to see the struggle Netanyahu is waging against the IDF, including the IDF spokesperson,” Eldar concluded.

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IDF, security forces rescue gazelles and confiscate NIS 70,000 in West Bank raids




IDF, security forces rescue gazelles and confiscate NIS 70,000 in West Bank raids

IDF soldiers arrested wanted individuals and confiscated over NIS 70,000 in terror funds and materials for making explosives, the IDF announced on Sunday. 

Within the Binyamin Brigade, soldiers arrested two wanted individuals and discovered six gazelles taken to a shelter. 

In Ras al-Ein, a small Arab village in northern Israel, forces arrested an agitator. In Bani Naim, Dahriya, and Dura within the Judea Division, three more wanted individuals were arrested.

Wanted individuals arrested, gazelles taken to shelter

In Beit Ummar and Sa’ir within the Etzion Division, soldiers arrested four wanted individuals.

The arrested individuals and seized combat materials have been transferred to security forces for further investigation. There were no casualties or injuries among IDF soldiers. 

IDF soldiers operating in the West Bank, June 23, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)

To date, approximately 4,150 wanted individuals have been arrested since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war throughout the West Bank and the Jordan Valley, with around 1,750 linked to Hamas.

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