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Risk of escalation: Israel gives Hezbollah deadline for diplomatic end to conflict – report



Israel has allegedly told Hezbollah that they have until March 15 to resolve the conflict diplomatically, according to an article by Lebanese media source Al-Akhbar published on Thursday.

The article claims that American envoy Amos Hochstein has been attempting to subdue conflicts “of the southern front” as a preliminary stage to Israel forming a comprehensive agreement with Lebanon.

American officials are reportedly applying pressure out of fear that a greater conflict with Hezbollah would “turn into a fuse that would blow up the entire region.”

Lack of trust in diplomatic resolutions

While Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is cited as having told Hochstein that Israel is committed to finding a diplomatic solution to the conflict, Al-Akhbar claimed that an anonymous Western diplomatic source said that a diplomatic solution would not be enough to ensure a conflict-free resolution to the situation.

“The political path [is] not enough for reassurance, despite the American side’s insistence on drafting the initials of the agreement between Beirut and Tel Aviv,” the source said. “which revolves around consolidating the ceasefire, resolving the dispute over the disputed points, finding a formula for the Shebaa Farms and Kfar Shuba, and formulating a sustainable solution that prevents a major clash.”

The Hezbollah outpost oversees the northern settlements. (credit: Amir Buhbut)

The source also said, “Hochstein has become convinced of the difficulty of stopping the fighting in Lebanon before it stops in Gaza, and he is also convinced that Hezbollah does not want escalation.

“There is also a conviction that the 45-day period for the truce will be an opportunity to collect aid for the army, mobilize resources, secure the required logistical equipment, and secure the necessary funds.”

Speaking on the European efforts to subdue the conflict, the source said, “The Europeans, specifically the British, believe that France must coordinate with the Americans regarding the political arrangements because the American side intends to launch the route at the time the truce takes effect in Gaza.

“The process of deploying the watchtowers that Britain proposed to construct on the southern border will be among the measures taken, and coordination is being conducted regarding it with the Lebanese army and the American side.”

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