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DNV publishes world’s first recommended practice for floating solar power plants



DNV publishes world’s first recommended practice for floating solar power plants

DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider has published the world’s first recommended practice (RP) for floating solar power projects following a collaborative joint industry project (JIP) involving 24 industry participants.

The Recommended Practice (DNVGL-RP-0584) will provide commonly recognized guidance based on a list of technical requirements for accelerating safe, sustainable and sound design, development, operation and decommissioning of floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) projects.

Floating solar power is a promising renewable energy technology in which solar panels are installed on floating structures on the surface of suitable bodies of water. The technology offers great potential for green energy production, particularly in areas where there is a shortage of available land for large photovoltaic plants.

The wider adoption of floating solar power could scale up particularly in countries that have high population density and limited spare land. such as in many Asian nations.

Following the first projects in 2006, installed capacity for floating solar power was just 10 MW by 2015 but has accelerated considerably since then, reaching 2GW towards the end of 2020. It is estimated that the total global potential capacity for deploying floating solar power on manmade, inland waters alone could be as high as 4 TW with an expected pipeline of more than 10GW by 2025.

While FPV is a promising growing industry, there are a number of complexities associated with the installation of floating solar plants. The RP offers insight into the technical complexity of designing, building and operating on and in water, especially in terms of electrical safety, anchoring and mooring issues, operation and maintenance, and designing FPV plants that can withstand site-specific environmental conditions.

Ditlev Engel, CEO of Energy Systems at DNV said: “Floating solar is an untapped, fast-growing technology with huge potential and I hope this recommended practice will drive the adoption and scaling of this technology to accelerate the pace of the energy transition. With collaboration from leading companies around the world, it provides critical reassurance to the likes of investors and governments as well as leaders from across the energy industries that we are able to transition faster to a clean energy future and realize the goals as per the Paris agreement.

“With input from both our renewables and floating structures experts, this project perfectly demonstrates the strength and depth of our new Energy Systems business area.”

The JIP, which kicked off last summer, reviewed all aspects of developing floating solar projects on inland and near-shore waters. It focuses on five key topics: site conditions assessment, energy yield forecast, mooring and anchoring systems, floating structures, permitting and environmental impact.

DNV project manager Michele Tagliapietra said: “We created this recommended practice to ensure harmonized and quality approaches in developing floating solar power projects to increase confidence from investors, regulators and other stakeholders. The guidance of this recommended practice aims to increase quality, minimize risks and ultimately increase trust, avoiding failures and accidents which may put a break on the potential growth of this promising market.

“It has been a highly collaborative effort, for which we thank all the participants involved. It is encouraging to see how everyone is striving to increase the quality and reliability of this exciting industry.”

“Being pioneers of this floating solar market, we are delighted to see this JIP team work taking shape in the form of this Recommended Practice. We believe this is a great step towards unlocking the potential of floating solar”, said Olivier Philippart, Director at Ciel and Terre International, one of the 24 participants in the project.

The RP focuses on methodology to keep the RP as technology neutral as possible and provide functional requirements, recommendations and guidelines. It has a holistic system-level approach, including single key components as well as procedures and design considerations and focus on FPV projects in inland and near-shore water bodies.

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Sandia evaluates heat shields for Mars Sample Return and Titan missions




Sandia evaluates heat shields for Mars Sample Return and Titan missions

Sandia evaluates heat shields for Mars Sample Return and Titan missions

by Clarence Oxford

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Oct 16, 2024

Sandia National Laboratories’ National Solar Thermal Test Facility is utilizing solar energy to simulate the intense heat experienced during atmospheric reentry and hypersonic flight. The latest tests aim to support NASA missions, including the Mars Sample Return campaign, a joint effort with the European Space Agency to bring Martian rock samples to Earth for analysis. These samples could reveal evidence of ancient life and aid preparations for future human missions to Mars.

As part of the Mars Sample Return mission, a Sample Retrieval Lander would carry the heaviest payload ever sent to Mars, along with a rocket for launching the collected samples into Martian orbit. Heat shield materials for the lander recently underwent testing at Sandia, said Sandia engineer and test director Ken Armijo. “This would be the first mission to return rocks from Mars to Earth; it’s got a bigger payload,” Armijo explained. “The heavier the payload and the bigger the entry vehicle, the hotter the vehicle gets during atmospheric entry, and the better the heat shield needs to be.”

Sandia’s solar testing facility uses hundreds of heliostat mirrors to focus sunlight on samples up to three feet wide, simulating atmospheric conditions on different planets. Unlike arc jets and lasers, which consume significant power, this approach saves between 15,000 to 60,000 kilowatts per test, equivalent to running 5,000 to 20,000 clothes dryers simultaneously.

The facility’s solar power tower, 200 feet tall and equipped with 212 heliostats, provides a unique environment for testing materials under high solar flux and heat. “We have high flux and high flux distribution on the Solar Tower,” said Armijo. The facility can simulate hypersonic flight conditions and accommodate large test samples, including full aircraft sections. Sunlight is concentrated up to 3,500 times its normal intensity, allowing precise control over heat exposure.

Compared to the $100,000-per-day cost of arc jet testing and the $150,000-per-day cost of laser testing, solar testing costs about $25,000 per day, Armijo noted. The intensity of sunlight can be adjusted by varying the number of heliostats focused on the sample, mimicking different reentry conditions. NASA’s lead engineer for the Sample Retrieval Lander’s heat shield, Brandon Smith, commented, “Sandia’s ability to test at this size nicely complements our other test facilities.”

Testing also supports NASA’s Dragonfly mission to Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, with heat shield materials made from Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator, developed at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Previously used in missions like Stardust and Mars 2020, the material was tested on two-foot-wide samples at Sandia. The facility’s capability to test larger samples allowed NASA to simulate the stress and strain experienced during atmospheric entry.

Dragonfly, a rotorcraft designed to explore Titan’s methane-rich atmosphere, faces unique challenges due to Titan’s dense atmosphere, which is four times thicker than Earth’s. To recreate the thermal conditions of Martian and Titan atmospheric entry, nitrogen gas is blown over the heat shield samples during tests. A newly installed gas line running from the base to the top of the power tower ensures adequate gas flow, said Armijo.

Daniel Ray, a mechanical technologist at Sandia, was responsible for setting up the gas line and addressing issues during tests. “My role on every project is to make it work,” Ray said. He resolved an issue with the carbon felt catching fire by designing ceramic shields to protect the system.

In 2022, Sandia also supported the Applied Physics Laboratory’s tests on a heat exchanger prototype intended for future spacecraft. The prototype endured light levels equivalent to 2,000 suns, reaching temperatures of 3,100 degrees Fahrenheit, demonstrating its ability to withstand the intense heat of a close solar flyby.

The facility’s history includes various aerospace projects, such as testing radar protection domes and evaluating materials for space shuttles and military aircraft. Sandia has refined its solar testing methods over the years, said Armijo. “Because we can dial-in the profiles, we have more confidence that it’s going to survive and function well during a mission. Having confidence that it will make it to Mars, land and pick up the rocks safely is important.”

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Sandia National Laboratories
Mars Sample Return

Rocket Science News at Space-Travel.Com

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Computer simulations offer new insights into enhancing solar cell materials




Computer simulations offer new insights into enhancing solar cell materials

Computer simulations offer new insights into enhancing solar cell materials

by Robert Schreiber

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Oct 16, 2024

Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have made progress in understanding halide perovskites, a promising class of materials for solar cells. These materials could serve as an efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional silicon-based cells, but they face challenges with stability. The new insights are expected to aid the development of more reliable and efficient solar cells, key components in the transition to sustainable energy.

Halide perovskites refer to a group of materials recognized for their potential in flexible, lightweight solar cells and various optical applications, such as LEDs. They exhibit high efficiency in light absorption and emission, making them suitable for next-generation solar technologies. However, understanding the causes of rapid degradation remains a hurdle in optimizing these materials.

Advanced computer simulations reveal material behavior

The research team employed advanced computer simulations and machine learning to study 2D perovskite materials, which are typically more stable than their 3D counterparts. The findings, published in *ACS Energy Letters*, provide new insights into the factors that influence the materials’ properties.

“By mapping out the material in computer simulations and subjecting it to different scenarios, we can draw conclusions about how the atoms in the material react when exposed to heat, light, and so on,” explained Professor Paul Erhart from the research team. “We now have a microscopic description of the material that is independent of what experiments have shown, but which we can show to lead to the same behavior as the experiments.”

Simulations allow researchers to analyze material behaviors at a detailed level, offering a unique view that complements experimental data. This approach has made it possible to observe what leads to specific outcomes in experiments, deepening the understanding of 2D perovskites’ functionality.

Machine learning enables broader and deeper analysis

The integration of machine learning techniques allowed the researchers to study larger systems over longer durations than was previously feasible.

“This has given us both a much broader overview than before, but also the ability to study materials in much more detail,” said Associate Professor Julia Wiktor. “We can see that in these very thin layers of material, each layer behaves differently, and that’s something that is very difficult to detect experimentally.”

The composition and interaction of layers in 2D perovskites

2D perovskites consist of inorganic layers separated by organic molecules, which play a crucial role in determining the material’s stability and optical properties. Understanding the atomic movements within these layers and their connection to the organic linkers is essential for designing efficient devices.

“In 2D perovskites, you have perovskite layers linked with organic molecules. What we have discovered is that you can directly control how atoms in the surface layers move through the choice of the organic linkers,” noted Erhart. “This movement is crucial to the optical properties, creating a domino effect that extends deep inside the material.”

Future research directions

The study’s results pave the way for developing more stable and efficient optoelectronic devices by identifying which molecular configurations could enhance performance. The researchers aim to extend their work to more complex systems, focusing on interfaces that are essential for device functionality.

“Our next step is to move to even more complex systems and in particular interfaces that are fundamental for the function of devices,” Wiktor added.

Research Report:Impact of Organic Spacers and Dimensionality on Templating of Halide Perovskites

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Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology

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Bright future for solar panels and screens with new nanocrystal research




Bright future for solar panels and screens with new nanocrystal research

Bright future for solar panels and screens with new nanocrystal research

by Simon Mansfield

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Oct 16, 2024

Curtin University researchers have made a significant discovery that could enhance everyday technology, from TV screens to solar panels and medical diagnostics. The study, led by Associate Professor Guohua Jia, revealed how to increase the number of molecules, known as ligands, that adhere to zinc sulfide nanocrystals by manipulating the shape of these tiny particles.

Associate Professor Jia from Curtin’s School of Molecular and Life Sciences explained that ligands are essential for influencing the behavior and performance of zinc sulfide nanocrystals across various applications. “Ligands play an important role in controlling the behaviour and performance of zinc sulfide nanocrystals in various important technologies,” Jia said.

The research found that flatter, more uniform particles, termed nanoplatelets, can accommodate a greater number of tightly bound ligands compared to other shapes such as nanodots and nanorods. “In a discovery that could open new possibilities for developing smarter, more advanced devices, our study found flatter, more even particles called nanoplatelets allow more ligands to attach tightly, compared to other shapes like nanodots and nanorods,” Jia explained.

By tailoring the shapes of these nanocrystals, the researchers were able to enhance their interactions with surrounding environments, boosting the efficiency of a wide range of applications. Jia highlighted that these findings could potentially transform the efficiency and performance of products such as LED lights, screens, solar panels, and medical imaging devices.

The discovery also holds promise for advancing optoelectronic devices, which either generate light or utilize it to perform various functions. “Optoelectronics are important in many modern technologies, including telecommunications, medical devices and energy production,” Jia noted. The ability to control the manipulation of light and electricity is vital for the development of faster, more efficient, and compact electronic systems.

The applications include LEDs used in light bulbs and TV screens, solar cells that convert sunlight into electrical power, photodetectors in cameras and sensors, and laser diodes in fiber-optic communication systems.

Research Report:Deciphering surface ligand density of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals: Shape matters

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Curtin University

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