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Evolving my camera system for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Galapagos



Evolving my camera system for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Galapagos
My last bucket list trip, taken right before joining DPReview in 2013, was a cruise around the bottom of South America, with several days spent in Antarctica, pictured here. Photos taken with the Canon EOS 7D.

Fourteen months ago I was supposed to be cruising around the Galapagos Islands onboard the National Geographic Endeavour II, seeing barren landscapes and animals you won’t find anywhere else (blue-footed boobies!). It was a trip high on my bucket list, and one that I’d been saving up for nearly two years; cruises to the Galapagos don’t come cheap.

But months before my scheduled departure, the first major outbreak of covid-19 in the U.S. tore through a nursing home five minutes from my house, killing nearly 40 people. Everyone knows what happened next.

I’m planning on buying my gear, rather than borrowing it from the cabinet in the DPReview office

Obviously, the trip was cancelled, but the nice folks at Lindblad Expeditions let me reschedule for 2021 (and why not, since they already had my money). As time went by I started to lose confidence about travel in 2021, so a few months later I pushed the trip back to 2022, just to be safe.

But I’m not writing this article to share my travel woes. With the trip looking like it will actually happen next year, I’ve returned to planning what gear to bring. Unlike the first time I performed this exercise, I’m planning on buying my gear, rather than borrowing it from the cabinet in the DPReview office.

And why am I doing this now, rather than closer to the trip? Simply put: the value of my current gear is only going to go down between now and then.

This iceberg was much, much, much larger than our ship – and that’s just on the surface.

My current gear

The EOS 5D Mark III with the 24-104mm F4L kit lens

For many years I’ve been the proud owner of a Canon EOS 5D Mark III. Even though I rarely use it due to all the new toys in the office, it still has a special place in my heart. It takes great photos, the ergonomics are close to perfect, it can take a beating and the optical viewfinder is large and bright.

As for lenses, I own Canon’s 70-200 F4L IS USM (the first one), 17-40mm F4L USM and the 24-105mm F4L that came in the box with the camera. While I could always buy more lenses, those three covered the bases, and well.

Camera requirements

The most important factor in my search for a new camera system is price. I’m looking for the value option, not the best camera on the market.

As for my camera system wishes, here are the main features I’m looking for on my 5D III replacement (the 5D already offers some of these things):

  • I want a more capable sensor; the 5D’s resolution is fine, but the dynamic range is behind the times.
  • I want a tilting or articulating screen so I don’t have to lay on the volcanic rock found on most of the islands.
  • I want 4K video. Of all places to take high quality video, the Galapagos is it.
  • I want in-body image stabilization. My hands have a mild tremor and I don’t want tmiss a shot.
  • I want something rugged enough to get wet or bashed into… something.
  • I want dual card slots; not taking any chances since this is likely a one-time trip
  • The display and EVF must pass the “polarized sunglasses test”. I need to be able to see what I’m looking at (in both landscape and portrait orientations) when shooting outdoors.

Some may be surprised that didn’t include amazing autofocus on the list. While I want something to focus quickly and accurately, having top-notch subject tracking isn’t a deal-breaker, since most of my subjects won’t be running around. (I’m also one of those focus and recompose people: probably the only one left in the DPReview office. That said, the switch to mirrorless may convert me to continuous autofocus with subject tracking.)

Next, I have a rough list of the kinds of lenses I’d like in my backpack, which happen to be very similar to what I already own. I would rent a longer super-tele lens, since I don’t need one in my personal collection. Here’s what I’m looking to buy:

  • Ultra-wide (16-35mm equiv.)
  • Standard (24-105mm equiv.)
  • Tele-zoom (70-200mm equiv.)

Ideally, these lenses would be in the F4 equivalent range, since I don’t need the very best, and my bank account is not overflowing with cash.

What’s my gear worth?

My Canon gear, all boxed up and ready to sell.

Not wanting to deal with craigslist, I went to KEH’s website to look into prices for my Canon gear (and don’t forget to check with your local camera store, who sometimes buy used equipment for trade or credit). Here’s what they were willing to offer on June 23, 2021:

Product KEH condition KEH trade-in estimate
EOS 5D Mark III body Excellent $809
EF 70-200 F4L IS USM Excellent $520
EF 24-105mm F4L IS USM Excellent $683
EF 17-40mm F4L USM Excellent+ $365
Grand total $2377

So I have almost $2400 to spend, but I still want to keep my cost as low as possible. What are my options?

Option 1: Get an EOS R6 and adapt my DSLR lenses

If I had an unlimited budget, I’d sell the whole 5D III kit and get myself an EOS R6 and a few RF lenses (14-35mm F2.8, 24-105mm F4, 70-200mm F4), which adds up to $6900. Unfortunately, I don’t.

The EOS R6 with an adapted EF 70-200 F4 L

I love the R6 because, being a Canon camera, it’s familiar to long-time owner of that brand. Image quality is great, it has really good in-body stabilization, a fully articulating screen, high-res viewfinder and 4K/60p video. And yes, its autofocus is really good too.

Downsides? Some rolling shutter in video, the small risk of overheating in video and so-so battery life (though I’m planning on bringing a small fleet of batteries, just to be safe.

In this scenario I would keep all three of my lenses and buy the R6 and Canon’s basic EF-to-RF adapter. That would add up to $2600 and, after taking the $809 I’d get for trading in my 5D III, I’d still owe almost $1800. Let’s try something else.

Option 2: Sell it all and start over

A more realistic plan may be to dump all of my current gear and start from scratch with a new system. There are an overwhelming amount of camera and lens options, though my camera requirements help narrow down the field a bit.


After much soul-searching, here are the cameras on my short list, based on the requirements I mentioned earlier.

Camera Pros Cons Cost (body)*
Canon EOS R6 Build, familiar controls, EVF, video, LCD type, great IBIS Price, rolling shutter, small risk of overheating in video, battery life $2500
Fujifilm X-T4 Design and controls, IBIS, JPEG quality, video, LCD type, battery life Price, buffer size, too many dials $1700
Nikon Z5 Price, design, image quality, IBIS, EVF, battery life Slow burst, cropped 4K w/rolling shutter, no 70-200 F4, single card slot $1000
Olympus E-M1 III Build/durability, IBIS, fast burst, ‘live’ features, LCD type. battery life Price, low res EVF, smaller sensor, menus, future of company $1600
Panasonic G9 Price, build quality, IBIS, EVF, LCD type, fast burst, 4K/60p video, compact lenses Unusual USB port, “fluttery” autofocus, smaller sensor, battery life $1000

* All prices from B&H Photo

If I was just buying a body, the $2377 I’m getting for my 5D III kit makes all of these products very accessible. But I’m not.


Now, for the other big purchase: lenses. As mentioned earlier, I’m looking for an ultra-wide, a standard zoom and a tele-zoom lens. Here’s where things get a little messy.

Camera Lenses Equiv. coverage Cost (lenses)*
Canon EOS R6 14-35mm F4
24-105mm F4
70-200 F4
14-35mm F4
24-105mm F4
70-200 F4
Fujifilm X-T4 10-24mm F4
16-80mm F4
50-140mm F2.8
15-36mm F5.6
24-120mm F5.6
105-450mm F4.2
Nikon Z5 14-30mm F4
24-200mm F4-6.3
14-30mm F4
24-200 F4-6.3
Olympus E-M1 III 7-14mm F2.8
12-40mm F2.8
40-150mm F2.8
14-28mm F5.6
24-80mm F5.6
80-300mm F5.6
Panasonic G9 8-18mm F2.8-4
12-60mm F2.8-4
35-100mm F2.8
16-36mm F5.6-8
24-120mm F5.6-8
70-200mm F5.6

* Some of these lenses are available bundled with the camera body, which may save me some money. I’m not including those discounts above. All prices from B&H.

The Nikon kit comes out as the bargain but, as noted earlier, my kit only includes two lenses. While there is a 24-105 on the official roadmap, there’s no announcement date yet. Also, a 70-200 F4 isn’t even on the map – at least not yet. Sure, I could buy the FTZ adapter and use Nikon’s DSLR lenses, but I’d rather not. So, for now, I have to settle for the 24-200 F4-6.3 VR (along with the 14-30mm F4) to tide me over.

Nikon is yet to produce a 24-105mm F4 for Z-mount, leaving the 24-200mm F4-6.3 VR as the only alternative.

Right as I was wrapping up this article, Canon introduced its RF 14-35mm F4L IS USM lens, which fits my requirements. At $1700 it’s very expensive, but Canon offers all three types of lenses on my list.

The $2300 RF 15-35mm F2.8 is Canon’s only ultra-wide zoom that I could buy right now, though the 14-35mm F4 is arriving soon.

The only weather-resistant approximately 70-200mm equiv. that Fujifilm offers is its 50-140mm F2.8, which costs more than I’d like, but the 75-210mm equiv. range is nice and it’s still relatively fast. Since it’s still $700 less than the Nikon 70-200 F2.8, I’ll splurge and add the Fujifilm 50-140mm to my shopping list.

Being an F2.8 lens. it’s not surprise that the X-T4 with the 50-140mm is on the large side.

All of the lenses for Micro Four Thirds are have smaller equivalent apertures than the full-frame models, but they’re also more compact and generally lighter, which is one of the biggest selling points of the m4/3 system. Olympus makes some great lenses – and I like the idea of having a 80-300 equiv. – but they’re expensive, and that’s before I factor in the $1600 camera.

The Olympus E-M1 Mark III is remarkably compact with its 40-150mm F2.8 Pro lens attached

Two out of the three Panasonic’s have variable apertures, so they’re not as fast as the fixed aperture Olympus F2.8 lenses, but they hit my desired focal lengths.

So what’s it all going to cost?

I’ve gone through my two options – adapt my existing lenses, or just start all over – now let’s see how much all of these options will cost. Remember that KEH has valued my 5D III body at $809 and adding my lenses brings the total to $2377. This time I’m taking promotions into effect, since that’s how I’d actually buy the equipment.

Option Cost* KEH trade-in credit Out of pocket cost
Canon EOS R6 + adapted current lenses $2500 $809 $1691
Canon EOS R6 + 3 lenses $6900 $2377 $4523
Fujifilm X-T4 + 3 lenses $4800 $2377 $2423
Nikon Z5 + 2 lenses* $2800 $2377 $423
Olympus E-M1 III + 3 lenses $5150 $2377 $2773
Panasonic G9 + 3 lenses $3400 $2377 $1023

* Cost includes camera + lens kits, which may decrease price. All prices from B&H.

The Nikon Z5 appears to be the big bargain here, but remember, I’d be getting one less lens, and and the 24-200mm lens gets slow quickly (it crosses F5.6 at 50mm and F6.3 at 105mm). The EOS R6 with three new lenses is expensive for obvious reasons, and both Fujifilm’s and Olympus’s higher-end cameras and lenses tend to be on the pricey side.

The final choice

On June 25th, I visited B&H’s website and ordered a Panasonic Lumix DC-G9, plus the 8-18mm F2.8-4, 12-60mm F2.8-4 and 35-100mm F2.8 lenses. Is the G9 the camera of my dreams? Nope. Rather, it’s the best one for my needs, in terms of both its lens collection and value. I’m still not sure if my trip will happen next year, but when it eventually happens, I’m confident that I made the right choice.

During my shopping process I considered what features I wanted, what cameras to consider, and how much it was going to cost. Price-wise, the two best values were the Nikon Z5 and the Panasonic DC-G9 (with the Z5 being about $700 more), so they were my finalists.

Ultimately, it was the system that sold me

The factor that drove my decision-making was not image quality, which was the first thing on my ‘must have’ list. I already know how that would turn out (the Nikon easily wins), and I didn’t even look at our studio scene comparison until after I’d ordered my new gear. Given the kind of shooting that I’ll do on the trip (and in life), it’ll be mostly outdoors, so the smaller m4/3 sensor performs well enough for me.

Ultimately, it was the system that sold me. The Micro Four Thirds system offers the lenses I want for my trip, and dozens more than I could buy or rent should the need arise. The lenses are smaller and lighter than those for APS-C or full-frame, which will make them easier to transport in the limited amount of space I’ll have.

Nikon makes some fantastic lenses for the Z system, but its collection of midrange full-frame options just isn’t there yet. I expect that to change, but I’m buying now and not later.

Homepage thumbnail photo of the Blue-footed Booby: PDolby via iStock

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New Pen not yet on the drawing board, says OM System




New Pen not yet on the drawing board, says OM System

OM System’s Director of Product Planning, Hiroki Koyama and VP for Brand Strategy and Product Planning, Kazuhiro Togashi, at CP+ 2025

Photo: Dale Baskin

“We are considering the new Pen concept as OM System brand,” says OM System’s Kazuhiro Togashi, VP for Brand Strategy and Product Planning.

We spoke at the CP+ trade show in Yokohama, Japan, and he reassured us that the arrival of the OM-3 with a Pen-F style ‘creative dial’ on the front doesn’t close the door on the rangefinder-style series.

“There’s a different concept between OM-3 and Pen-F series,” he explains: “basically the Pen-F series is about ultimate beauty and the ultimate craftsmanship. Whereas OM-3’s core concept is to take authentic and great creative photos.”

But, he says, it’s too soon to know what a future Pen might look like. “We think the camera’s design must realize the concept of the product, so we don’t start to decide the camera design before deciding the camera’s concept: the product concept must come first.”

“Therefore, we haven’t yet decided if the product design for a new Pen will look like the Pen-F or similar to the E-P7 because we haven’t decided on the product concept.”

But what’s clear is that OM System does plan to continue the Pen line.

The continued appeal of dedicated cameras

We asked Togashi what he thought makes shooting with a dedicated camera special, in a time when smartphone image quality has got so good.

“Experience is very important,” he says: “There’s a different kind of experience between smartphones and a camera. For example, I personally love to use a smartphone, but just to record; without any emotional feeling.”

“When a user decides the moment with their camera, maybe their feelings are being moved by such an attempt: they’re not just recording, there’s more to it.”

“It’s like with professional sportsmen. They have to prepare to give their best performance during the game. They are always training before the game.”

“When you get a perfect photo, you feel a win”

“In the case of photos, photo enthusiasts always think or calculate before taking a photograph. Before you take something, you consider the place, or you think about which position is better, or what sort of atmosphere or angle: you calculate before you take the photo.”

“This is like a serious game, just as it is for football or baseball player. And when you get a perfect photo, you feel a win. ‘I win, by myself’ I don’t know if many people can get that similar experience by taking photos with a smartphone.”

And he thinks this difference should remain, even as the image quality gap narrows. “Smartphone’s development speed is very high, and in the future, the difference between smartphones and camera might become very small,” he says: “however the difference in experience, is a bit bigger.”

We’re not the company to make an enthusiast compact

Despite this, and in spite of rising sales of compacts, Togashi says we shouldn’t expect an enthusiast compact.

“As for the current popularity of compact digital cameras, lower-priced models seem to be selling very well worldwide, but we feel that this is a temporary trend.” he says: “We are continuing to study the development of a successor to the TG series, but currently we don’t have any plans to introduce other compact camera concepts.”

“We don’t have any plans to introduce other compact camera concepts”

“As for high-end compact digital cameras, we recognize that there is a dedicated user base that remains a valued segment of the market, however, at OM System, we are focused on developing products that align with the evolving needs of photographers, ensuring we deliver the best possible innovation and performance across our lineup.”

“When we were Olympus, our brand was known for high-end compact cameras like the XZ series and Stylus 1. However, since becoming OM System, we no longer carry high-end compact cameras. Instead, we focus on cameras that align with broader market needs, including those of younger generation photographers. Given the significant investment required – not only in research and development but also in reestablishing a high-end compact brand image – such a product would be challenging to make profitable.”

The TG series endures…

OM System TG-7
The TG series of rugged, waterproof cameras continues to have an audience, the company says.

Image: OM System

But the TG series definitely has a future, says Togashi, because it has a dedicated user base.

“TG still survives and is well received by the market,” he says: “Outdoor enthusiasts want to capture their activities and adventures. Also families look for ways to preserve special memories—whether it’s their children playing in the pool or on vacations and situations like that.”

“On the other hand, professional scuba divers or climbers continue to rely on the TG series. For them, safety is very important during these extreme activities, and the TG series remains a trusted tool in these challenging environments. “

“Both types of users continue to use the TG series, setting it apart from other high-end compact cameras. Their main priorities are mobility and ease of operation, rather than smartphone connectivity. They love the operation and mobility.”

…but a high-end TG would be challenging

These specific requirements might rule out a higher-end TG, he suggests

“We’re always talking about the successor of the TG series and whether to add a new, higher TG line, maybe using a bigger sensor, or perhaps a TG-DSLR.”

“We’re always thinking about the possibilities. However, as of today we don’t have any best answer to realize this concept because the requirement for TG series is very hard. For example, making a large or removable lens drop resistant is very difficult.”

Also, he says, keeping the size down is important: “if we adopted a bigger sensor and we maintain the same optical zoom range, the body would need to be very big. That means such a TG would lose the mobility concept.”

Togashi didn’t seem enthused by our suggestion of a prime lens: “A lot of TG users’ photographic needs are different from enthusiasts’, so they like to use a zoom lens. They like to enlarge subjects in their photos, therefore they always use tele-zoom.”

Director of Product Planning, Hiroki Koyama raises another concern: ” We also give priority for close-up capability. TG can be used very close to the subject. If we choose a bigger sensor size, the close-up capability will be reduced. The current sensor size is the best balance, but we’ll try to study the concept.”

The OM System lens range

On the subject of lenses, we asked whether they believe the current Micro Four Thirds lens lineup includes all the options an OM-3 user might want.

“Still not yet,” says Togashi: “We are also trying to develop small and light and bright lenses or something like that. We have space to make new lenses in the future. I can’t disclose [the details], but yes.”

Choosing the right lenses to add isn’t always easy, he suggests: “People always ask ‘will you make a pancake lens?’,” he says: “but then the pancake lens sales are not so good in general. But still, we’ll continue to consider it.”

Interview conducted by Dale Baskin and Richard Butler, answers edited for flow.

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Tips for taking epic shots of tonight’s ‘blood moon’ total lunar eclipse




Tips for taking epic shots of tonight’s ‘blood moon’ total lunar eclipse

A lunar eclipse, captured by Jamie Malcolm-Brown in November 2021. Used with permission.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in 2022. We have updated it with information about the current eclipse as a service to readers.

Starting tonight, March 13, through the early hours of tomorrow, March 14th, skywatchers in the Americas will be able to view the first total lunar eclipse of the year. The moon will turn a ‘blood red’ hue for a brief period as it passes entirely into the Earth’s shadow when lined up with the sun. Depending on where you are located, there is a specific time you can witness this phenomenon.

Time and Date, a top-ranking site for times and timezones, created a useful tool that allows you to make a plan by entering your viewing location. From there, it gives you pertinent information, including the total duration, what time each phase of the eclipse starts and the direction it’ll travel, plus altitude during these phases. A helpful animation gives you a visual of how it will appear, minute by minute, once it starts.

Details of the March 13  2025 total lunar eclipse
Time and Date created a free tool to help you plan your total lunar eclipse viewing, depending on your location. This is the data for Seattle, WA, where DPReview’s headquarters is located.

If you plan on bringing your camera out for the ‘blood moon’, photographer Jamie Malcolm-Brown has some helpful tips for camera settings. Describing his process for capturing a lunar eclipse in 2021, he tells DPReview that ‘it was taken with [a] 200-600mm lens at 600mm, ISO 800, F6.3, at 1/3 sec. I bracketed the shots at 5 shots with an EV (exposure value) change of 1. Next time I would probably bracket 5 shots but with only an EV change of .3. The final image was cropped fairly significantly to fill the frame with the moon.’

While useful for capturing more detail on the moon’s surface, you don’t necessarily need a long lens that extends to 600mm to photograph the blood moon. John Weatherby released a quick, helpful tutorial on Instagram outlining his process for getting the best images possible. For one, you can shoot at a focal length between 100–200mm if you want to include a foreground.

Weatherby also explains that having a sturdy tripod and ball head is an absolute necessity. Ensuring that the lens is locked in securely will yield clearer images of the moon. Using the camera’s shutter delay or self-timer, or an external remote, will also help prevent blurry shots as the camera is likely to shake a bit once you press the shutter. PhotoPills, an app that helps you identify where the moon will travel in accordance with your specific location, is recommended as well.

It’s important to check the weather in your area as cloud coverage can potentially conceal the moon completely. is a free app available on desktop, iOS and Android that, in my opinion, does a decent job of forecasting weather patterns. It’ll give you a visual of where clouds will appear at specific dates and times so you can determine the best place to set up in your state or country.

Screen Shot 2022-05-15 at 12.59.27 AM, a free app, is an effective tool for forecasting weather elements, including cloud coverage.

The next total lunar eclipse will take place on September 7, and will be visible in parts of Asia, Africa and Australia. If skywatching interests you, you’re in or near one of the locations where the eclipse is visible and weather permits, I recommend getting out for a few hours and witnessing this wonderful event first-hand.

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Fast and fun: Photographer captures the thrill of Formula 1 with Lego




Fast and fun: Photographer captures the thrill of Formula 1 with Lego

Photo: Benedek Lampert

This weekend marks the start of the 2025 Formula 1 season, and one photographer is kicking things off with a series of photographs to celebrate. With a fine focus on detail and many hours of work, toy photographer Benedek Lampert has recreated F1 moments using Lego. This project is just the latest for Lampert, who has previously created life-like scenes of Lego versions of the Eiffel Tower and Shackleton’s Endurance.

In September 2024, Lego and F1 announced a partnership that included releasing numerous F1 Lego sets, some of which featured more realistic-looking models of F1 team cars. Lampert managed to get his hands on the entire starting grid and set to work on creating highly detailed, life-like photographs of the Lego F1 cars.

Sample gallery
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Photos: Benedek Lampert

As with all of Lampert’s work, nearly everything was done in camera. “It’s extremely important to me that these are actual photos and not AI-generated graphics,” he explained. That meant lots of hands-on time to build sets and problem-solve special effects. He built the track scenery and crafted unique sets that allowed him to get motion blur, spinning wheels, smoke and water vapor without any editing work. Lampert explained that the only thing he added while editing was the cloud texture in the sky and rear lights in one image.

All said and done, Lampert says the project took 70 hours for the 10 final images. The photo shoot portion of the project took five days, with ten to twelve-hour days at times. You can see how he meticulously created each image in the behind-the-scenes video below, as well as the photos in the gallery above.

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