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Interview: Donna Ferrato on 50 years of photographing women



Interview: Donna Ferrato on 50 years of photographing women

Donna Ferrato has spent her career documenting women and sees it as her duty to ‘cut out the noise and listen’. She’s photographed everyone from survivors of domestic abuse to swingers – and throughout the course of her career she’s learned that all women are part of what she describes as a holy trinity: the mother, the daughter and the other.

The individual pictures in her new book, Holy can often be difficult to look at, but they are crucial. When viewed as a whole they capture all the rage and joy and complex truth of what it means to be a woman. Ferrato is angry, but she also knows that women are extraordinary. Holy is a testament to that.

We spoke with Ferrato about how the COVID-19 lockdown shaped the final edit of the book, why it was important to handle all aspects of the design herself and what she’s learned about women after 50 years of photographing them.

Note: Images featured in this interview are pages from ‘Holy”.

The work in Holy spans your entire career – what was the editing process like?

The editing was the most important part of making this book. In the beginning I thought this was going to be a general book about my career, a retrospective. I had a very generic title like American Woman, and it was organized chronologically: it was more about my trajectory. Then I realized that wasn’t conveying the point of why I am a photographer. It’s not about who I’ve been working for or the stories that I’ve done. The idea behind all of these stories and the reason that I take pictures, whether it’s my family, friends or on assignment, it’s always with the single inspiration to understand who women really are and what they really want.

I’m really trying to understand how to make life better for women, and that’s really what I’ve been doing for most of my life. How do we make it better? How do we have better laws? How do we learn to speak with each other better? How do we learn to talk to the police better? I realized at one point, this book couldn’t be about a photographer’s journey. That’s when I started calling it Holy.

At what point in the editing process did you realize that you needed to change the structure of the book?

I worked on it for about four years, but it was only in the beginning of the pandemic, when I was all alone in the house and I had about four months to finish this book, that I realized it needed to change. [I realized] that the book was about the mother, the daughter and the other. It was coming from a really primal place inside of me. Nobody was coming over. I was all alone. My daughter and my grandson were living in Ohio. No one was coming by to visit me and suddenly I could really hear the voices in my head much more clearly. Then I started taking different pictures from the archive. It was all starting to coalesce in a more exciting way. I started listening more to my heart during the pandemic and that freed up the edit. That’s when it really all fell into place.

It took me so long to put it together, I’d missed three deadlines. The publisher, Daniel Power, told me that he’d never been through something this insane. The other photographers are working with designers or editors, but I was the editor and the designer. I think early on Daniel saw that he couldn’t control me, and he was going to go crazy if he tried to impose any deadlines or structure on me. Even though this was the first book that I ever did with him, he just trusted me and let me go.

Why was it important for you to handle all aspects of the design, the edit and even hand write the captions that appear in Holy?

I wanted it to be a handmade story, not just made, but also maid. I realized that I had to do everything because that’s what women do. We do everything and we can do everything. The power is in our hands. The handwritten captions, well, I grew up with a father who was a surgeon and an incredible photographer. I grew up watching him write captions on his slides of Kodachrome and writing behind every picture. That was really precious to see him doing that work and to have all of those pictures now with his handwriting on them. I’ve written on my pictures most of my life – part of it goes way back to Duane Michals too, he was a big influence when I set off to wander the world with a camera and a bag over my shoulder. I admired his technique of writing on his pictures, but I wanted to tell real stories, so I was always telling real people’s stories on the photographs, not made up stories.

It was difficult handwriting all those captions in Holy, I had to write those so many times. I’d be writing all night long, I was really angry at all the things that were happening at the time too – to women, to our abortion rights, to children being taken away from the mother’s at the border and being put into cages. I was emotionally distraught, and I’d be writing every night and scratching through things and cutting into pictures.

That anger you talk about having during the past four years is definitely palpable in the captions. How are you feeling about the state of things these days?

I’m feeling like the bird that has been let out of the cage now. I’m feeling like it’s time to get out there, kicking our heels up, being joyful, defiant and taking our rightful place at the table. I feel like we are at that kind of an incredible crossroads right now. We have a chance. We’ve got to get to work, we’ve got to to start organizing and making sure that things really do change. We can’t just talk about it anymore and then get high.

One of my favorite things about Holy is how your ‘sexual liberation’ photos and your ‘domestic violence’ photos coexist. For a long time it seems these two bodies of work were kept separate, at what point did you realize they made sense together?

I actually wasn’t the first person to see how they had to be integrated, it was my step daughter, Katherine Holden. In the last five or six years she’d say ‘Donna why do you separate it? Why do you let the magazines separate your work? You need to rethink this because it is all about the life of women. That’s what you’ve been doing better than anyone I know,’ that’s what she told me. I had started thinking about this, but I knew it was going to get me into a lot of trouble.

When Love and Lust came out I became a pariah in the photography community. If a man did those pictures, that would be fine, but when a woman, who has also been representing battered women is saying that sex is great, swinging is great, S&M and all of that – it was like ‘no, we can’t let you get away with that, Ferrato.’ A lot of these editors and photo directors started to stay away from me, they weren’t giving me assignments anymore. It was a big change after Love and Lust came out. They didn’t really know how to show the work or talk about it.

All of the work that you’ve done throughout your career is deeply intimate, and that’s very obvious in Holy. How do you go about getting access and gaining the trust of your subjects?

First you’ve got to get permission, then you’ve got to get access. The access has to be to take pictures. You don’t get access to just go in there and look at people. You get access to be there with your camera. That’s the first step of trust. Then when you’re with people you talk to each other. I’m a talker, as you can see. I don’t really keep secrets. I don’t see my life as being that different from any one else’s. I’m pretty generous with the stories that I give people and with my time. My time becomes theirs.

When you are around people for a long period of time and always taking pictures, they just kind of forget about it. When I’m with people and I’ve got a camera and things are happening, I just start taking pictures, whether or not it’s something that is relevant to the reason why I’m there. It doesn’t matter. When I see something that is beautiful, or surprises me, or I see people are joyful, I’m always excited to take those pictures. When I go into people’s lives or even when I’m with my family, they realize that I’m excited when I take pictures.

I’m a voyeur, I’m not going to say I’m not a voyeur. I like to look and I like to be with people. When people are being kind to each other and having fun together – that’s when I get excited. They are moving and I want to move with them. Then they see that I get excited and then they realize – ah! There is something that happens between me and them and it becomes more of a communal thing. It’s almost like having a meal together. They don’t know what I’m seeing, they don’t know what kind of pictures I’m taking, or where the frame is cutting off, but maybe they get curious because I’m super curious.

Whether I have a camera in my hand or not, I’m incredibly curious and I don’t want to miss anything. I want to see it all. I’ll go anywhere just to be able to be in someone’s life. If they’re having a hard time, they are crying, they’re scared, of course I want to see that too. I want to be close to them. I want to be there for them.

The camera is a crazy instrument. For many photographers a camera is the way that we feed ourselves. It’s the way that we breathe. It’s a very alive thing. When I’m with my camera out there in people’s lives, it’s almost like the camera and me are one. That’s what it’s like. And that’s the reason I use a small camera. I don’t go out with a lot of different bodies, I don’t take a lot of lenses, usually it’s the same lens, a 35mm, once in a while I have a 50mm, but mostly I just work with that 35mm.

When you are dedicated to a 35mm camera with a 35mm lens, you’ve got to move around a lot. You have to get down, get dirt all over your butt, be there in the traffic. You’ve got to let the dogs come up and sniff you and growl at you – and you just keep taking those pictures. A camera just puts you in a whole other atmosphere. None of us photographers are like flies on the wall. We’re not. It’s really obvious when a camera is in the room.

What is your preferred gear to shoot with and why?

It’s really been Leica all the way, from the mid-70s. I had a Leica M3, then I had an M4 for a long time, then an M6, and now I have an M10. I don’t shoot much film anymore, the M10 is digital, the quality is just as good as the film. The only difference is I don’t get as many mistakes shooting digitally – double exposures or strange things with lighting, and I do miss that. I miss the unexpected things that happen when you are shooting film.

I would say I like that they are small. That’s the best thing about them. And they’re heavy. I like a heavy camera. I like weight. They are also kind of narrow. It fits nicely under my arm, or if I wear it around my neck then it is usually short enough that the body is against my breast and I can hold the body up with my hand and it’s ready to go up to my eye in a nanosecond. It’s fast and dependable and the quality of the lenses is unbeatable. You can’t do any better.

The way that Holy is organized seems to reference your early experiences with the Catholic Church. How do you think your childhood in the Church shaped the way in which you view women and their place in the world?

My mom did her best to bring me up like that and indoctrinate me, but I really never understood where a woman was supposed to belong in the Catholic Church. The trinity bothered me as a young girl. I see there is the father and the son and the ghost – but what about the women? What about the mother of God? Where are any of these people going to come from if they aren’t coming from the mother, and how come we can’t talk about the mother? The nuns and the priests told me I was too hung up on gender – God is everything, God is male and female, and that should be enough for you. I guess for a lot of people it is. They can accept it. But I couldn’t accept it.

What do you hope is the biggest takeaway from Holy?

The book of Holy didn’t just come out of thin air. Every woman in this book was chosen to be in it because they know that they are holy. All of these women have been through a lot of violence, a lot of abuse and a lot of sexual assault. They really didn’t have that much help on the outside. The courts weren’t helpful, the police weren’t helpful. The way that they were able to get out of their violent situations is by realizing that if they stayed any longer they were going to die. They had no choice. At the same time, every woman does have a choice.

I admire these women so much. They showed the most courage. Getting out and taking their kids with them and rebuilding their lives completely on their own. These women are the real heroes. I wanted this book to show what women can do. What they are capable of. That women can leave. Women do leave. So many women leave every day. That’s really the meaning of Holy. A woman knowing her value, knowing her worth and being able to say I’m not going to take abuse any longer. I’m going to get away.

The majority of my life has been devoted to understanding the women who had a lot of domestic violence, a lot of sexual assault and they go beyond it. They get out of it. That’s when it gets exciting, because that’s when they become the most extraordinary woman. That’s when they become the butterflies – after they’ve gotten out of the cave that they were in with someone who had to control them, powerless and unable to believe in themselves. When they get out of that they start to feel so good, and that’s what Holy is about.

Have high standards for yourself. Don’t let anyone try to control you. Really spend time with people and try to get to know them before you give your heart away so easily. It’s hard to know what people are about and if you are with the wrong person they can kind of destroy you. And then you don’t know how to get out of it because you’ve already invested your heart. I think that’s what this pandemic is teaching a lot of women too. Don’t rush into things so quickly when it comes to love, give it more time. Know yourself better. Learn how to take care of yourself better on every level.

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March Editors' photo challenge announced: Water




March Editors' photo challenge announced: Water

While visiting Dry Tortugas National Park, located 109km west of Key West, Florida, I looked down from the top of Fort Jefferson and saw this group of snorkelers just off Garden Key. Moments after this photo was taken, one of the snorkelers had the bad luck of being stung by a Portuguese man o’ war.

Photo: Dale Baskin

The theme for our March Editors’ challenge is ‘Water’.

Show us the essence of water in its many forms, from the roaring power of the ocean to a gentle rain, reflections on a lake, smooth waterfalls, frozen ice, or even fine art. The possibilities are endless, so let your creativity flow and show us your best photos that revolve around water. Our favorites will be featured on the DPReview homepage later this month.

This challenge is open to photos taken at any time.

Photos can be submitted between Sunday, March 16, and Saturday, March 22 (GMT).

Important: Images MUST include a title and a caption of at least 25 words to be eligible. Viewers want to know the story behind your photo. We will consider both photos and captions when selecting our winners, so make sure to tell us that story!

Visit the challenge page to read the full rules and to submit your photos for consideration as soon as the challenge opens.

Visit the challenge page to see all the rules

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Accessory Roundup: lights, iPads, bags and more




Accessory Roundup: lights, iPads, bags and more

Images: Vanguard, Apple, Elinchrom

CP+ may have ended last week, but that apparently hasn’t stopped the flood of accessory news. Today, we’ll look at a few lights, bags, computers and more, but first, let’s see what’s on sale.

Second-gen Goodness

Photo: Richard Butler

Canon’s Stacked sensor flagship, the EOS R5 II, is currently on sale for $300 off MSRP. We reviewed it late last year, and came away very impressed – it’s a camera that excels at nearly everything.

Photo: Richard Butler

Panasonic’s S5II isn’t quite as performant, but it’s still quite a good camera. It’s also substantially cheaper than the EOS R5 II, especially given the current sale that gets you $500 off.

Let there be lights

Image: Godox

Godox’s latest light for videographers and photographers is the Litemons C30. It’s a tiny LED panel weighing 248g that packs an internal battery capable of putting out 30W of light for up to 45 minutes. A USB-C port lets you recharge the battery or run the light for an extended period of time.

There are two versions of the light – a bicolor model, which costs $59, and an RGB model that will run you $89.

Buy at Amazon

Buy at B&H

Image: Elinchrom

If you need something a little more powerful, there’s the recently released Elinchrom LED 100 C, a continuous RGB light with an integrated 72Wh battery that provides up to 40 minutes of power in the field. It comes with a diffusion dome and an adapter for Profoto light modifiers and can be charged via USB-C.

$599 at Amazon

$599 at B&H

On the level

Image: Vanguard

Ball-head tripods are great if you want to easily level your tripod without messing around with leg length, but what if you already have a tripod that you like? Vanguard’s LVL accessory might be for you. It’s designed to sit between your sticks and your tripod’s head, adding a bit of height and letting you level your tripod head in a matter of seconds.

Vanguard makes several sizes, so it should be compatible with a wide range of tripods. The smallest, the LVL 42, has a 42mm base and can support up to 20kg (44lb), while the LVL 75 can support up to 40kg (88lb) – just make sure the rest of your tripod can handle that much weight too.

In the bag

STRATUS BlackLayflat
Image: Wandrd

If you want to carry around some camera gear without using a massive backpack, Wandrd’s Stratus Photo 18L may be the bag for you. It’s relatively small and has built-in organization for your camera gear, as well as access hatches on both the right and left-hand side. It’s made of weather-resistant materials and has load-adjustment straps and a chest strap, which should let you carry it comfortably even if you’ve got it filled with gear.

Buy at Amazon

Buy at B&H

New affordable iPads

Image: Apple

People don’t always think of the iPad as a photographic tool, but nowadays Apple’s tablets have a lot of processing power and can run many of the apps photographers use on their desktops. The company’s entry-level models – the iPad Air and the plainly-named iPad – have just gotten updates that make them better than ever. The Air gets the laptop-class M3 chip, as well as a new, optional keyboard with a bigger trackpad, function row and aluminum design. The M3 iPad Air starts at $599, and the new keyboard costs $269.

The cheaper iPad, meanwhile, gets the A16 chip from the iPhone 14 and 14 Pro. While it’s not as powerful as the M-class chips and doesn’t support Apple’s suite of AI features, it should still be plenty for light photo editing and organization. Its base storage has also been doubled from 64GB to 128GB. It starts at $349, which is what its predecessor sold for ever since Apple cut the price by $100 in 2024.

That wasn’t all Apple announced this week, though…

Get caught up

Some accessory news is so big that it gets its own article during the week, but we’d feel remiss not also mentioning those products here.

Image: Apple

As an example, Apple’s new computers. The company announced updates to its entry-level MacBook Air and top-of-the-line Mac Studio this week, adding its latest processors. The MacBook Air has enough processing power to handle the typical Photoshop and Lightroom tasks that most photographers need, all while being hyper-portable, while the Mac Studio can handle the highest-end photo and video editing tasks.

Image: Peak Design

Also announced this week: Peak Design’s Roller Pro, the company’s first piece of roller luggage. It’s a bit of a hybrid between a hardshell case and a softshell one, with plenty of padding and a front sleeve that can hold a laptop and other everyday carry items. You can read our full coverage of it here.

It’s currently being sold via Kickstarter for a discount over its $599 MSRP, but the usual disclaimer applies: Remember to do your research with any crowdfunding project. DPReview does its best to share only the projects that look legitimate and come from reliable creators, but as with any crowdfunded campaign, there’s always the risk of the product or service never coming to fruition.

Pledge on KickStarter

Read last week’s roundup

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Sony's content authenticity system isn't just for pro cameras anymore




Sony's content authenticity system isn't just for pro cameras anymore

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Photo: Richard Butler

Sony has released a firmware update that brings its Content Authenticity Solution to the a7 IV. The company announced a similar update for the a1 II, a1 and a9 III in January. However, this is the first time the tool to authenticate images will be available on something other than high-end, professional-grade cameras.

Software Ver. 5.00 for the Sony a7 IV adds support for the “Write Digital Signature” function for still images. This function allows photographers to add an electronic signature to their images to prove that they were taken with that camera. Authenticity tools such as this are becoming increasingly important with the growing prevalence of generative AI-created imagery and, as a result, the spread of fake images.

Of course, as with the update for the three pro-grade cameras in January, there are some caveats involved. The Digital Signature function requires a paid license and is only available for certain media outlets, not the general public. Unfortunately, Sony still hasn’t provided any additional information on if or when it will be available for general consumers. On the firmware update page, Sony simply says that the “timing for the provision of paid licenses to customers other than certain media outlets is yet to be determined.”

Even though the current usability is limited, Sony rolling this out to consumer models is a step in the right direction. The Content Authenticity information page also says that “more camera models will be supported in due course,” so it sounds like we should see additional cameras with the tool at some point. If Sony makes the feature more widely available beyond media outlets, the Digital Signature feature will already be on cameras and ready for use.

If you want to be prepared, or happen to work for one of the select media outlets, the Sony a7 IV firmware update Ver. 5.00 is now available for download.

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