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Reserve officer at Hamas detention facility makes art



Reserve officer at Hamas detention facility makes art

Upon returning to Herzog’s Branco Weiss High School in the Gezer Regional Council, Captain Merav, the school’s art coordinator, knew that art would be her remedy after 45 harrowing days of serving as a reserve officer at a detention facility for Hamas terrorists.

Motivated by this belief, Merav and the school’s art students initiated the “Soon with Us” exhibition, a one-day event at Captive’s Square in Tel Aviv. This square is associated with immense pain and suffering. The art infused it with optimism.

The exhibition showcased paintings portraying the moment when captives and abductees are reunited with their loved ones, capturing the joy and happiness of these reunions. Merav aimed to bring hope amid the despair that often fills Kidnapped Square.

Reflecting on her time at the correctional facility, Merav shared a decisive moment: “One of the moments when I felt victorious as a woman was when I learned that one of the terrorists admitted to raping approximately 17 women during his interrogation. Looking at him, I felt an overwhelming sense of disgust, representing every person who had endured his sexual violence. It was a victory for all of them, and I ensured he was held under appropriate conditions in my facility.”

Merav described her days and nights at the detention facility, where hundreds of captured Hamas terrorists were held accountable for their actions on that fateful day: “I received a phone call at 8 a.m., informing me that I had been called up for reserves. Clad in my uniform, I reported for duty to be appointed as the commander of the prison facility holding the Hamas terrorists responsible for the horrific events of October 7.”

Exhibition at Kidnapped Square in Tel Aviv (Credit: Courtesy of those photographed)

‘Soon with Us exhibition’

Words cannot fully capture the horrors witnessed on the news and social media that day. However, spending 24/7 with the perpetrators allowed Merav to confront the reality of their actions.


In addition to her commanding role, Merav integrated art into their lives. One night, she and her fellow soldiers created a massive mural depicting the weighty burden they all carried. The act of painting served as a cathartic release for their emotions.

Returning to her routine after the demanding reserve service, Merav brought a renewed sense of purpose and a belief in the healing power of creation. 

The “Soon with Us” exhibition is just beginning. 

Plans are underway to create a statue at Palmachim Base to symbolize their journey and provide a space for further artistic expression.

Captain Merav’s determination to guide teenagers in the world of art while pursuing her artistic endeavors remains unwavering. She has returned with newfound inspiration and looks forward to continuing her creative journey in her studio and business.

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IDF forces demolish home of terrorist who murdered 14-year-old West Bank shepherd




IDF forces demolish home of terrorist who murdered 14-year-old West Bank shepherd

IDF forces began demolishing the house of Ahmed Duabsha, a terrorist from the village of Duma, according to Ynet reported on Tuesday night. 

Duabsha had been responsible for the murder of Binyamin Achimair, a 14-year-old shepherd, in April.

The terrorist was arrested on April 12 by The IDF, Shin Bet, and Israel Police during an overnight operation.

Duabsha admitted during interrogation to assaulting the teenager, which resulted in his death.

About Binyamin Achimair

Achimair had been missing for 24 hours before his body was discovered on April 13.

Binyamin Achimair, Missing 14-year-old boy from Samaria, Police are requesting help in searching, April 12, 2024. (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)

Achimair had left Gal farm in the Samaria region of the West Bank on the morning of April 12 to allow his sheep to graze, and after several hours, the herd returned without him.

After news of Achimair’s body being found, a few violent incidents – including setting cars on fire – happened in the village Duma, and one person was killed by settler gunfire according to Palestinian reports, Walla reported at the time.

YUVAL BARNEA contributed to this report.

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IDF strikes West Bank terror cell as they plant explosive devices




IDF strikes West Bank terror cell as they plant explosive devices

Aircrafts carried out a targeted strike on Tuesday night on the Nur Shams camp, in the West Bank, eliminating a terror cell as they placed explosives, Israeli media reported. The IDF surrounded the squad and attacked it from the air while it was placing the devices. 

Maariv, citing Palestinian reports, claimed that 5 people were killed in the strike. The report indicated that only one of the 5 killed were terrorists and that several others were wounded. The Palestinian Health Ministry placed the number of casualties at 4, according to Reuters.

The attack took place near an incident in Jenin in which 22-year-old Captain Alon Sacgiu was killed after his vehicle hit one of the explosive devices.

Uptick in attacks in the area over the last 3 days

This is the third attack in the last three days and, since the outbreak of the war, more than 50 attacks have been carried out in the area. 

Sergeant-Major (Res.) Yehuda Geto, 22, from Pardess Hanna. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)

The Palestinian Health Ministry claimed that Israeli fire, following a military vehicle hitting an explosive device, resulted in the death of a woman and a child. 

The ministry did not comment on the age of the child or whether those reportedly killed or wounded were engaged in attacks on the Israeli personnel operating in the area.

Sergeant-Major (Res.) Yehuda Geto, 22, was killed after hitting explosives.

The incident occurred during an operation to counter terrorism in the camp. According to the details of the initial investigation, a bomb exploded under a military vehicle where Geto, who served as a driver in the unit, and a commander were inside.

The IDF said that the military vehicle was in an area where there was no risk of explosives, therefore no searches were conducted for them, Israeli media reported.


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PFLP terrorist handbook to be taught at Brooklyn community center




PFLP terrorist handbook to be taught at Brooklyn community center

A Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) book will be taught at a Brooklyn community center on Friday, according to the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Telegram channel.

Samidoun will host a series of group study events on the PFLP document “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine.”

The document outlines the organization, philosophies, and strategies of the PFLP, and describes its war objective as being “to destroy the state of Israel as a military, political, and economic establishment.”

‘Armed struggle is the only way’

PFLP insists in the book that its aims cannot be achieved “except through armed struggle and a protracted popular liberation war.”  

Members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) carry banners and flags during a march marking the annual al-Quds Day, (Jerusalem Day), at Burj al-Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon April 5, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)

The event will be held at the Mayday Space community center in Bushwick.

Samidoun is listed by Israel as a subsidiary of the PFLP. The PFLP is designated by the US State Department as a foreign terrorist organization.

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