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NTU Singapore scientists design ‘smart’ device to harvest daylight



NTU Singapore scientists design ‘smart’ device to harvest daylight

A team of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) researchers has designed a ‘smart’ device to harvest daylight and relay it to underground spaces, reducing the need to draw on traditional energy sources for lighting.

In Singapore, authorities are looking at the feasibility of digging deeper underground to create new space for infrastructure, storage, and utilities. Demand for round-the-clock underground lighting is therefore expected to rise in the future.

To develop a daylight harvesting device that can sustainably meet this need, the NTU team drew inspiration from the magnifying glass, which can be used to focus sunlight into one point.

They used an off-the-shelf acrylic ball, a single plastic optical fibre – a type of cable that carries a beam of light from one end to another – and computer chip-assisted motors.

The device sits above ground and just like the lens of a magnifying glass, the acrylic ball acts as the solar concentrator, enabling parallel rays of sunlight to form a sharp focus at its opposite side. The focused sunlight is then collected into one end of a fibre cable and transported along it to the end that is deployed underground. Light is then emitted via the end of the fibre cable directly.

At the same time, small motors – assisted by computer chips – automatically adjust the position of the fibre’s collecting end, to optimise the amount of sunlight that can be received and transported as the sun moves across the sky.

Developed by Assistant Professor Yoo Seongwoo from the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Dr Charu Goel, Principal Research Fellow at NTU’s The Photonics Institute, the innovation was reported in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Solar Energy early this month.

The device overcomes several limitations of current solar harvesting technology. In conventional solar concentrators, large, curved mirrors are moved by heavy-duty motors to align the mirror dish to the sun. The components in those systems are also exposed to environmental factors like moisture, increasing maintenance requirements.

The NTU device, however, is designed to use the round shape of the acrylic ball, ridding the system of heavy-duty motors to align with the sun, and making it compact.

The prototype designed by the researchers’ weighs 10 kg and has a total height of 50 cm. To protect the acrylic ball from environmental conditions (ultraviolet light, dust etc.), the researchers also built a 3mm thick, transparent dome-shaped cover using polycarbonate.

Device compact enough to be mounted as a lamp post

Asst Prof Yoo, lead author of the study said, “Our innovation comprises commercially available off-the-shelf materials, making it potentially very easy to fabricate at scale. Due to space constraints in densely populated cities, we have intentionally designed the daylight harvesting system to be lightweight and compact. This would make it convenient for our device to be incorporated into existing infrastructure in the urban environment.”

The NTU team believes the device is ideally suited to be mounted as a conventional lamp post above ground. This would enable the innovation to be used in two ways: a device to harvest sunlight in the day to light up underground spaces, and a streetlamp to illuminate above ground at night using electricity.

The research by the NTU scientists is an example of NTU’s Smart Campus vision that aims to develop technologically advanced solutions for a sustainable future.

Smart’ automatic positioning to harvest maximum sunlight

As the sun moves across the sky throughout the day, so will the position of the focused sunlight inside the acrylic ball. To ensure that maximum sunlight is being collected and transported down the fibre cable throughout the day, the system uses a computer chip-based mechanism to track the sun rays.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates of the device location are pre-loaded into the system, allowing it to determine the spot where maximum sunlight should be focused at any given time. Two small motors are then used to automatically adjust the position of the ?bre to catch and transport sunlight from the focused spot at one-minute intervals.

To guarantee the device’s automatic positioning capability, pairs of sensors that measure light brightness are also placed around the sunlight collecting end of the fibre cable. Whenever the sensors detect inconsistencies in the light measurements, the small motors automatically activate to adjust the cable’s position until the values on the sensors are the same. This indicates that the fibre is catching the maximum amount of sunlight possible.

During rain or overcast skies when there is inadequate sunlight to be collected and transported underground, an LED bulb powered by electricity installed right next to the emitting end of the fibre cable, will automatically light up. This ensures that the device can illuminate underground spaces throughout the day without interruption.

Performs better than LED bulbs

In experiments in a pitch-black storeroom (to simulate an underground environment), the NTU researchers found the device’s luminous efficacy – the measure of how well a light source produces visible light using 1 Watt of electrical power- to be at 230 lumens/Watt.

This far exceeds those recorded by commercially available LED bulbs, which have a typical output of 90 lumens/Watt. The quality of the light output of the NTU smart device is also comparable with current commercially available daylight harvesting systems which are far more costly.

Dr Charu, who is the first author of the study, said, “The luminous efficacy of our low-cost device proves that it is well-suited for low-level lighting applications, like car parks, lifts, and underground walkways in dense cities. It is also easily scalable. Since the light capturing capacity of the ball lens is proportional to its size, we can customise the device to a desired output optical power by replacing it with a bigger or smaller ball.”

Michael Chia, Managing Director at Technolite, a Singapore-based design focused agency specialising in lighting, and the industry collaborator of the research study said, “It is our privilege and honour to take this innovation journey with NTU. While we have the commercial and application knowledge, NTU in-depth knowhow from a technical perspective has taken the execution of the project to the next level that is beyond our expectations.””

Moving forward, the lighting company is exploring ways to potentially incorporate the smart device or its related concepts into its industrial projects for improved efficiency and sustainability.

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Solar Energy

3D-printed microstructure forest enhances solar steam desalination




3D-printed microstructure forest enhances solar steam desalination

3D-printed microstructure forest enhances solar steam desalination

by Clarence Oxford

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 24, 2024

To address the global freshwater scarcity issue, researchers in Singapore have developed advanced solar steam generators (SSGs) for seawater desalination. This method, powered by renewable energy, mimics the natural water cycle by using solar energy to evaporate and purify water, offering a potentially cost-effective solution compared to traditional, energy-intensive desalination techniques. However, current SSG technologies face limitations due to the complexity of fabricating designs that maximize surface area for optimal water evaporation.

Drawing inspiration from nature, the team utilized 3D printing to create innovative SSGs. Their findings, published in Applied Physics Reviews, highlight a novel technique for manufacturing efficient SSGs and introduce a groundbreaking method for printing functional nanocomposites using multi-jet fusion (MJF).

“We created SSGs with exceptional photothermal performance and self-cleaning properties,” said Kun Zhou, a professor of mechanical engineering at Nanyang Technological University. “Using a treelike porous structure significantly enhances water evaporation rates and ensures continuous operation by preventing salt accumulation – its performance remains relatively stable even after prolonged testing.”

The technology works by converting light to thermal energy, where SSGs absorb solar energy and convert it to heat to evaporate water. The porous structure of the SSGs aids in self-cleaning by removing accumulated salt, ensuring sustained desalination performance.

“By using an effective photothermal fusing agent, MJF printing technology can rapidly create parts with intricate designs,” Zhou added. “To improve the photothermal conversion efficiency of fusing agents and printed parts, we developed a novel type of fusing agent derived from metal-organic frameworks.”

The SSGs feature miniature tree-shaped microstructures that mimic plant transpiration, forming an efficient, heat-distributing forest.

“Our bioinspired design increases the surface area of the SSG,” Zhou explained. “Using a treelike design increases the surface area of the SSG, which enhances the water transport and boosts evaporation efficiency.”

In both simulated environments and field trials, the SSGs exhibited a high rate of water evaporation. The desalinated water consistently met drinking water standards, even after extended testing.

“This demonstrates the practicality and efficiency of our approach,” Zhou said. “And it can be quickly and easily mass-produced via MJF commercial printers.”

The team’s work shows significant potential for tackling freshwater scarcity.

“Our SSGs can be used in regions with limited access to freshwater to provide a sustainable and efficient desalination solution,” said Zhou. “Beyond desalination, it can be adapted for other applications that require efficient solar energy conversion and water purification.”

Research Report:3D printing of bio-inspired porous polymeric solar steam generators for efficient and sustainable desalination

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Renewables overproduction turns electricity prices negative




Renewables overproduction turns electricity prices negative

Renewables overproduction turns electricity prices negative

By Nathalie Alonso and Catherine Hours

Paris (AFP) July 24, 2024

With the proliferation of solar panels and wind turbines an unusual phenomenon is becoming more and more frequent: wholesale electricity prices turn negative.

While that may brighten the mood of consumers whose power bills have surged in recent years, it could undermine the further development of renewables, a key element in the fight against global warming.

The increasingly frequent phenomenon is “extremely problematic” for the wind and solar sector, said Mattias Vandenbulcke, strategy director of the renewables industry group France Renouvelables.

“It allows some to have harmful, even dangerous rhetoric which says ‘renewables are useless’,” Vandenbulcke said.

In southern Australia, wholesale electricity prices have been negative some 20 percent of the time since last year, according to the International Energy Agency.

The share of negatively priced hours in southern California was above 20 percent in the first half of the year, more than triple from the same period in 2023, the IEA said.

In the first six months of the year in France, there were negative prices around five percent of the time, beating the record set last year, according to the electricity grid operator RTE.

In Switzerland the price tumbled as far as -400 euros (-$436) per megawatt hour on July 14. The lowest prices are usually recorded around midday during the summer when solar production is at its peak.

– ‘A warning signal’ –

The trend has been accelerating for the past three years as demand in Europe has unexpectedly dropped since the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

Prices turn negative on the spot wholesale electricity market when production is strong while demand is weak.

Around a fifth of the total is traded on this market, where electricity is bought for the following day.

Negative prices help reduce the bills of consumers, said Rebecca Aron, head of electricity markets at French renewables firm Valorem, but the impact is delayed and difficult to discern among the other factors that send prices higher and lower.

Large, industrial consumers that can shift production to times when prices are negative and buy on wholesale markets can reap the biggest rewards.

Negative prices are “a warning signal that there is way too much production on the electrical grid”, said energy analyst Nicolas Goldberg at Colombus Consulting.

Electricity grids need to be kept constantly in balance. Too much can lead to the electricity to increase in frequency beyond norms for some equipment. Too little can lead to some or all customers losing power.

There are currently few options to stock surplus electricity production so producers have to reduce output.

Many renewable producers stop their output when prices are set to turn negative. It takes one minute to stop output at a solar park, two to three minutes for a wind turbine.

But not all stop their production.

– Tripling renewables –

“Renewable energy can be controlled, but depending on production contracts, there might not necessarily be an incentive to stop,” said Mathieu Pierzo at French grid operator RTE, which has the responsibility for balancing the electricity load.

Some producers are paid a fixed price under their contract or are compensated by the state if prices fall below a certain level.

Fossil fuel and nuclear power plants can adjust their production to some extent, but halting and restarting output is costly.

In the future, solar and wind will also have to “participate more in balancing the electricity system”, Pierzo said.

Solar and wind production is set to rise further as nations agreed at the COP28 climate conference last year to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030 as part of efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels.

“Rising frequency of negative prices sends an urgent signal that greater flexibility of supply and demand is needed,” the Paris-based IEA warned last week.

“The appropriate regulatory frameworks and market designs will be important to allow for an uptake in flexibility solutions such as demand response and storage,” it said.



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NREL explores long-term strategies for sustainable perovskite solar panels




NREL explores long-term strategies for sustainable perovskite solar panels

NREL explores long-term strategies for sustainable perovskite solar panels

by Clarence Oxford

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 24, 2024

Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are examining the future of perovskite solar panels, focusing on scaling, deploying, and designing panels to be recyclable.

Perovskite solar panels could play a key role in global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the technology still in its developmental stages, researchers are emphasizing the importance of designing these panels to minimize environmental impact.

“When you have a technology in its very early stages, you have the ability to design it better. It’s a cleaner slate,” said Joey Luther, a senior research fellow at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and coauthor of the newly published article in the journal Nature Materials. “Pushing perovskite PV toward enhanced sustainability makes more sense at this stage. We’re thinking about how we can make sure we have a sustainable product now rather than dealing with sustainability issues toward the end of its practical life.”

The article highlights the PV research community’s influential position to prioritize remanufacturing, recycling, and reliability efforts, aiming to make perovskite PV one of the most sustainable energy sources available.

“Perovskites could unlock the next evolution of high-efficiency PV, and it is our responsibility to assure they are manufactured, used, and recycled sustainably,” said the lead author of the study, Kevin Prince, a former graduate researcher at NREL who now researches perovskites at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin in Germany.

While silicon solar panels dominate the industry and cadmium telluride (CdTe) panels have established recycling programs, perovskites are at a critical point where sustainability issues can be addressed from the start.

The most effective circular economy begins at the design stage, considering materials sourcing, product lifetime, and end-of-life management. Researchers suggest assessing environmental impacts by looking at carbon emissions during production, embodied energy, sustainable material sourcing, and module circularity.

The journal article identifies critical sustainability concerns for each component of a perovskite solar panel. For instance, lead can be diluted with metals like tin to reduce lead content, though this may affect PV efficiency and durability. Expensive precious metals such as silver and gold could be replaced with cheaper alternatives like aluminum, copper, or nickel. Fluorine-tin oxide is recommended over the scarcer indium-tin oxide for front electrodes.

“We want to have the lowest amount of embodied energy in the fabrication,” Luther said. “We want to have the lowest amount of emissions in the fabrication. At this stage, now is the chance to look at those components. I don’t think we have to change anything. It’s more a matter of what decisions should be made, and these arguments should certainly be discussed.”

The authors discuss various ways to improve the circularity of perovskite panels. Remanufacturing involves reusing parts from old modules to make new ones, while recycling converts waste materials into raw materials for reuse. Attention is needed for the specialized glass used in perovskite modules, which is crucial for structural support and protection while allowing maximum sunlight penetration. Establishing a recycling pathway for this glass will be essential as PV deployment increases.

Silvana Ovaitt, a PV researcher and coauthor of the paper, noted that cleaner electricity grids will lead to cleaner manufacturing processes, further reducing emissions.

“Another concern is the transportation of the final modules and the raw glass because those are the heaviest items,” Ovaitt said. “Local manufacturing will be a great way to reduce those carbon impacts.”

The researchers explain that increasing the durability of PV modules, thereby extending their useful life, is a more effective approach to reducing net energy, energy payback, and carbon emissions than designing for circularity alone. A longer lifespan means panels won’t need to be recycled as often.

“Ultimately, we want to make them as durable as possible,” Luther said. “But we also want to consider the aspects of whenever that time does come. We want to be deliberate about how to take them apart and to reuse the critical components.”

Research Report:Sustainability pathways for perovskite photovoltaics

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