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Field review: Panasonic Lumix G 25mm F1.7 ASPH – compact, affordable and capable



Field review: Panasonic Lumix G 25mm F1.7 ASPH – compact, affordable and capable


The Panasonic Lumix G 25mm F1.7 ASPH is a compact and lightweight prime lens for Micro Four Thirds camera bodies. It offers an equivalent focal length of 50mm in full-frame terms, and an equivalent maximum aperture of F3.4. This lens is a great choice for general-purpose photography, including low-light work.

At $250 USD and available now, the Lumix G 25mm F1.7 is a solid option whether you’re looking for a companion to your ‘kit’ zoom lens or you just want something small and fast to shoot with.

Key specifications:

  • Focal length: 25mm (50mm Full-Frame equivalent)
  • Aperture range: F1.7 – 22
  • Stabilization: None built-in
  • Filter thread: 46mm
  • Close focus: 0.25 m (9.84″)
  • Maximum magnification: 0.14x
  • Diaphragm blades: seven
  • Hood: yes (plastic, included)
  • Weight: 125 g (0.28 lb)
  • Optical construction: 8 elements in 7 groups
ISO 200 | 1/800 sec | F4 | Panasonic Lumix DC-G9

Ah, the nifty fifty. Back in the film camera days, long before the advent of the zooming kit lens, camera companies often shipped their consumer and enthusiast bodies kitted with a 50mm lens; a practice I’d be thrilled to see come back. After all, they say you become a better photographer, faster, ‘zooming’ with your feet rather than zooming with your lens. Why? Because moving around forces creativity and often opens up new perspectives!

Anyhow, the hallmark of any good nifty fifty, then and now, is a favorable ratio of quality to price. And Panasonic’s modern take for Micro Four Thirds fits the bill nicely: though it’s very affordable, it’s capable of producing lovely images.

Follow along as we jump into handling, AF behavior, and optical characteristics to find out if this lens is also a good choice for you.

Sample images in this review were edited in Adobe Camera Raw with adjustments limited to white balance and exposure parameters. Sharpening and noise reduction were left at ACR defaults.


At 125g (4.4 oz) in weight and just 52mm (2 in) in length, this 25mm F1.7 is among Panasonic’s smallest and lightest prime lenses. The mount is metal while the body is constructed of plastic. Despite the delightfully lightweight design, it looks and feels well-built.

As one should expect at the price point, this 25mm offers a bare-bones feature-set. There’s no optical stabilization, though this shouldn’t matter for the vast majority of shooters, as almost all modern Micro Four Thirds bodies have internal IS. Nor is there an aperture ring or custom buttons. What the lens does offer is a sizable focus ring.

The front accepts 46mm filters and a plastic lens hood, H-H025, is included in the box. The hood attaches bayonet style, so it can be used with a filter. It can also be attached backward, to save space.

Compared to…

Olympus also makes a ‘nifty fifty’ similar to this one. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s also a bit more compact. Other options in this segment include the faster, though longer Sigma 30mm F1.4 and the higher-end Panasonic/Leica 25mm F1.4 II.

Here’s how they all stack up:

Panasonic Lumix G 25mm F1.7 Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8 Sigma 30mm F1.4 DC DN Panasonic Leica DG 25mm F1.4 II
Street price $250 $290 $290 $700
Optical construction 8 elements in 7 groups 9 elements in 7 groups 9 elements in 7 groups 9 elements in 7 groups
Aperture range F1.7 – F22 F1.8 – F22 F1.4. – F16 F1.4 – F16
Focus motor Stepping motor Stepping motor Stepping motor Stepping motor
Weather sealed No No No Yes
Diaphragm blades 7 7 9 7
Filter thread 47mm 46mm 52mm 46mm
Minimum focus distance 0.25 m (9.84″) 0.24 m (9.45″) 0.30 m (11.81″) 0.30 m (11.81″)
Diameter / length 61mm / 52mm 56mm / 41mm 65mm / 73mm 63mm / 55mm
Weight 120 g 136 g 265 g 205 g

Autofocus and focus breathing

The Panasonic 25mm F1.7 is plenty fast to focus on a Lumix body; and shooting in AF-S tends to lead to faster AF acquisition than using AF-C. The lens is also snappy to focus with Olympus bodies, though given how close in price the Olympus 25mm F1.8 is to this lens, we’d recommend sticking with the native option for best AF performance.

The minimum focus distance of 0.25m or just shy of 10 inches is solid. Users will be able to get fairly up-close and personal with their subjects. And focusing is internal, meaning the lens does not increase in size as it racks.

For video shooters, focus breathing – where the framing shifts as the focus is pulled – is fairly well controlled. This is good news for folks who may want to manually rack focus for a cinematic effect. The manual focus action is a focus-by-wire affair and responsive enough; the ring itself turns with no hard stop at either end of the focus range.

The lens is also impressively quiet when using AF in video mode thanks to its stepper motor. We tested it with a Panasonic G9 and found the touchscreen makes it painless to move focus smoothly and silently, with just the tap of a finger.

Image quality


ISO 200 | 1/4000 sec | F1.7 | Panasonic Lumix G9

This Panasonic 25mm F1.7 is fairly sharp across the focal plane, wide open. And even on the highest resolution 20MP Four Thirds sensors, its resolving power should leave most users satisfied.

That being said, stopping down just a bit to F2 or F2.8 will result in the sharpest output. But sharpness will drop quite visibly by even F5.6 and certainly by F8, due to diffraction (remembering that F5.6 – F8 on Four Thirds is F11 – F22 in full-frame terms). So it’s better to crank your shutter speed in bright light, rather than go beyond those apertures, if possible.

Vignetting and distortion

This lens displays minimal vignetting wide open. And any noticeable vignetting is gone by F2.8.

ISO 200 | 1/1250 sec | F2.8 | Panasonic Lumix G9

While the lens has a fair degree of barrel distortion in its optical design (which is to be expected, as the M43 system prioritizes compact size), distortion is fully corrected for, digitally, in the camera’s JPEGs and/or in your Raw converter. This means straight lines will look, well, straight (see the images above the flowers for an example). The lens also shows minimal vignetting wide open and any traces of vignetting are gone by F2.8.

If the tiny bit of vignetting does bother you, it can easily be corrected for in post. I personally enjoy it, though, as a matter of taste. But to each their own!


ISO 200 | 1/2000 sec | F1.7 | Panasonic Lumix G9

The bokeh – or quality of the out-of-focus regions produced by this 25mm – is fairly pleasing. Panasonic takes pride in the smoothness/polishing of its aspherical surfaces/molds, and it shows here. The discs rendered by out-of-focus highlights are relatively Gaussian and free of distracting patterns like ‘onion rings’. Only occasionally do they show the slightest hint of a hard edge (more noticeable as you stop down), but not enough to cause any concern.

At F1.7, bokeh near the edge of the frame displays a ‘cat eye’ effect. At F4, bokeh looks much more uniform, in terms of its shape.

However, when shooting wide open, bokeh near the edge of the frame looks lopsided, displaying the classic ‘cat eye’ effect. While this can lead to a slightly less shallow DOF effect at edges, it’s perfectly acceptable for a lens of this type, and wasn’t severe enough to yield swirly bokeh in our shots. More importantly, the discs near the corners aren’t truncated in an odd or distracting manner.

The ‘cats-eye’ bokeh is mostly gone by F4. However, bokeh discs becomes less rounded. Specifically, the polygonal shape of the lens’s 7-blade aperture becomes more pronounced in the out-of-focus highlights, when you stop down past F2.8, and this can have a slightly negative impact on bokeh in general.

The Panasonic 25mm F1.7 is capable of producing images with good subject separation from the background.

ISO 200 | 1/3200 sec | F2.2 | Panasonic Lumix G9

Flaring, ghosting, and sunstars

Lens flare can cause some loss of contrast especially when shooting directly into bright light sources, while multiple ghosts of bright sources can manifest themselves as colored ‘blobs’ that get more defined the more you stop the lens down.

ISO 200 | 1/800 sec | F16 | Panasonic Lumix G9

Even when shooting with the included lens hood attached, artifacts from lens flare can be pretty distracting with this lens. You may notice ghosting when shooting directly into the sun, usually manifesting as a multiple-color haze or purple blobs.

When shooting bright light sources at stopped-down apertures – like in the F16 shot above – the ‘spikes’ of the sunstar are soft-edged and not all that well pronounced.

Lateral and longitudinal chromatic aberration (fringing)

The out-of-focus regions in this F1.7 shot show some purple fringing in front of the subject, aka longitudinal CA (LoCA)

ISO 200 | 1/3200 sec | F1.7 | Panasonic Lumix G9

Lateral chromatic aberration – or purple/green fringing near the edge of the frame in high contrast regions – is very well controlled for optically, and is further corrected for digitally in JPEGs and/or in your Raw converter. Here are uncorrected and corrected Raw conversions – as you can see the differences are minor.

Longitudinal CA (LoCA) – or purple and green fringing manifesting in front of and behind the plane of focus – can be fairly noticeable wide open and is hard to manually correct for. That said, stopping down the lens just a bit helps to mitigate it, and although it doesn’t entirely disappear even by F2.8, it’s not too distracting either.

While the Panasonic 25mm F1.7 shows some longitudinal CA wide open, it becomes much less noticeable when you stop down a bit. Still, at 100%, you can certainly spot some purple and green fringing in the out-of-focus regions on the left side of this image, in the vines and stems.

ISO 200 | 1/2000 sec | F2.8 | Pansonic Lumix G9


What we like What we don’t like
  • Reasonably sharp wide open and even sharper stopped down to F2
  • Fast and quiet to focus
  • Minimal distortion
  • Compact, light-weight design
  • Very affordable
  • Included lens hood
  • Metal lens mount
  • Sunstars could be more pronounced
  • Lots of visible ghosting artifacts in scenes with a bright light source in the frame
  • Longitudinal CA can be distracting wide open
  • No weather-sealing

The Pansonic Lumix G 25mm F1.7 ASPH is an affordable and capable option for Four-Thirds shooters seeking something more versatile than the kit lens, especially for low-light photography. It’s well-built, compact, and fast/quiet to focus, making it a good choice for stills and video shooters alike.

Of course, for a little more money, you can get Sigma’s slightly faster 30mm F1.4 DC DN lens, which is also a strong optical performer. But the trade-off is a tighter crop (60mm in Full-frame terms) and a lens construction that’s quite a bit longer and about twice as heavy as the Panasonic.

ISO 200 | 1/800 sec | F5.6 | Panasonic Lumix G9

For folks desiring the absolute best 50mm equiv. output for Panasonic Micro Four Thirds cameras, the Panasonic Leica DG 25mm F1.4 II is the ticket. However, at nearly three times the cost of the Panasonic 25mm F1.7, it’s not the easiest lens to justify. It’s even harder to justify given how solidly this more affordable prime performs.

Ultimately, though it’s not optically perfect, for most folks, the Panasonic Lumix G 25mm F1.7 ASPH is going to be more than good enough.

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Leica’s New LUX iPhone App Seeks to Build a New Generation of Brand Fans




Leica’s New LUX iPhone App Seeks to Build a New Generation of Brand Fans

Photo: Tucker Bowe

Leica has launched a new LUX app for iOS that’s ostensibly intended to reach longstanding fans of the brand and endear a new generation of shooters to the photographic aesthetic of the iconic German camera company – or at least a digital approximation of it.

The app’s proprietary image processing engine can apply film emulation presets to existing photos in a similar fashion to Fujifilm’s popular offerings. Eleven so-called “Leica Looks” are included in the app at launch, such as Leica Standard, Leica Classic, Leica Contemporary, and Leica Black and White. However, the company says that new looks will be added every month.

Though now available to a much broader potential set of consumers, Leica Look filters technically aren’t new for the brand. The feature initially appeared in the company’s Fotos app for owners of newer Leica digital cameras.

Like other fully-featured third-party camera apps such as Halide, iPhone photographers can also use the LUX app’s automatic mode, “Aperture Mode,” and manual control modes to capture photos.

Photo: Leica

Aperture Mode is the most unique selling point of the new app. Seemingly like Apple’s own Portrait Mode on steroids, the feature leverages Leica’s image engine to emulate the bokeh and color of the brand’s iconic – and for many, unobtainable – premier lenses, such as the Leica Summilux-M 28mm F1.4 ASPH, Summilux-M 35mm F1.4 ASPH, and Noctilux-M 50mm F1.2 ASPH. iPhone 15 Pro (Max) users can also access an APO-Telyt-M 135mm F3.4 emulation thanks to the phone’s telephoto lens.

There’s also a pro manual mode, which allows advanced users to control settings, including exposure compensation, shutter speeds, ISO, white balance, manual focus, and Raw/ProRaw capture settings. You can also see a live histogram.

While we haven’t tested the app yet ourselves, at least some journalists, such as Antonia G. Di Benedetto at The Verge, who have had access to early beta versions, describe the app’s processing features as hit-or-miss and the color filters in some cases as heavy-handed, at least for now. Like the built-in portrait modes on many premium smartphones, Leica’s efforts to simulate bokeh and depth of field via software seem to struggle to produce realistic results under certain conditions.

A free version of Leica’s LUX App is available from the Apple App Store with limited features, including access to five looks. Paying a monthly subscription fee of $6.99 or an annual fee of $69.99 unlocks all of the app’s capabilities. Leica recommends using the app with an iPhone Pro 12 or newer.

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Canon Announces the RF 35mm F1.4 L VCM Lens




Canon Announces the RF 35mm F1.4 L VCM Lens

Image: Canon

Canon has announced the RF 35mm F1.4 L VCM lens, the first release in what the company says will become a full series of fixed-focal-length RF lenses with a hybrid design for stills and video, which are intended to work with both EOS photo and Cinema EOS cameras.

The RF 35mm F1.4 L VCM becomes the widest prime lens in Canon’s L-series. Its optical formula consists of 14 elements in 11 groups, including two specialized aspherical lens elements and two ultra-low Dispersion glass elements.

The lens also benefits from Canon’s Super Spectra Coating, Air Sphere Coating, and fluorine coating. It has 11 aperture blades. Autofocus is driven by a voice coil motor (VCM), a type of linear motor, for quick, precise focusing.

Size-wise, the lens is 99.3mm (3.9″) long and has a diameter of 76.5mm (3.0″). It’s noticeably longer and slightly skinner than Canon’s EF 35mm F1.4L USM, and comes in slightly lighter at 555g (19.5 oz) compared to 580g (20.5 oz) for the EF version.

Image: Canon

Like the RF 24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z announced last fall, Canon says it specifically designed the RF 35mm F1.4 L VCM to be a true hybrid stills/video lens in acknowledgment of the new multimedia production demands many professional creatives face today.

As such, the new 35mm prime also features a manual aperture ring, similar to the F 24-105mm F2.8 L, which allows for stepless control of the aperture/iris. Additionally, the lens is designed to minimize focus breathing. It’s also compatible with Canon’s newly announced, native RF-mouth EOS C400 cinema camera.

Pricing and availability

The Canon RF 35mm F1.4 L VCM is expected to be available in June at an estimated retail price of $1,499. It includes a case, lens cap, dust cap and lens hood.

Press release:


New Portable Speedlite with New Multi-Function Shoe Design Also Available

MELVILLE, N.Y., – June 5, 2024 — Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions,
today announced the RF35mm F1.4 L VCM lens and Speedlite EL-10 flash. The new RF35mm
lens is the first in a series of fixed focal length RF lenses with hybrid video and still design, and the Speedlite EL-10 integrates with Canon’s new multi-function shoe design, for users of recent Canon EOS cameras.

Answering the needs of many professional high-level photographers, the new RF35m F1.4 L
VCM lens can be looked upon as a standard lens for video and still users — for example, those who use the EOS R5 and EOS C70 cameras. This lens is the beginning of a new hybrid lens series and with its fixed focal length, fills a gap as there is not a fixed focal length lens wider than 50mm in the L-series — until now. Ideal for low-light, the RF35mm F1.4 L VCM lens features a manual iris (aperture) ring which helps provide better control when shooting movies.

The lens allows very little focus “breathing” as focus is moved, and it’s highlighted by two
Aspherical lens elements and two ultra-low Dispersion glass elements. Overall, this lens has the outstanding L-series optical design many professionals have grown accustomed to. In addition, the lens can be used with the newly announced Canon EOS C400 cinema camera, further reinforcing Canon’s full support of the video market.

“The new RF35mm F1.4 L VCM lens is the answer for high-level video in the mirrorless market
– while also providing still-imaging storytellers the durability and optical performance that is
synonymous with Canon lenses,” said Brian Mahar, senior vice president & general manager,
Canon U.S.A., Inc.

The Speedlite EL-10 flash is designed for the amateur photographer who is stepping into the
mirrorless world, and the veteran user who is looking to get reacquainted with flash photography.

The multi-function shoe helps the still imagery storyteller by providing immediate access to the flash control menu, and either an on-camera EL-10 or the optional super-compact Speedlite Transmitter ST-E10 assists with triggering from one through up to fifteen off-camera flashes2.

The Speedlite EL-10 is a radio-based wireless flash with 2nd-curtain sync capabilities, and
leverages four AA batteries instead of a separate battery that requires charging — making
operation more streamlined for some users. In addition, it features a Custom Flash Mode
function, allowing the end-user to register and store up to three sets of flash settings, and is
approximately the same size and weight as its predecessor the Speedlite 430EX-III RT — while also pushing out the same amount of power. Automatic balanced fill flash is a key benefit to using flash photography, whether during daytime or low-light with slow shutter speed, and the Speedlite EL-10 is an excellent gear bag addition to achieve that creative look in one’s photos.

“Flash photography is a simple yet versatile way to add drama to one’s photos and with Canon’s steadfast commitment to reliability, the Speedlite EL-10 provides a full-circle Canon shooting experience,” continued Brian Mahar, senior vice president & general manager, Canon U.S.A., Inc.

Price & Availability
RF35mm F1.4 L VCM lens is expected to be available in June for an estimated retail piece of
$1,499.00 and the Speedlite EL-10 is also expected to be available in June for an estimated retail price of $249.99*.

For more information, please visit

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Ricoh announces Pentax WG-8 and WG-1000 waterproof compacts




Ricoh announces Pentax WG-8 and WG-1000 waterproof compacts

The Pentax WG-8 “Adventure Proof” compact

Image: Ricoh

Ricoh has announced two new Pentax WG waterproof compacts: the range-topping WG-8 and the entry-level WG-1000.

The WG-8 replaces the Pentax WG-6 (and the Ricoh-branded WG-6 that came before it) at the top of the lineup. It’s a 20MP camera with a Type 1/2.3 sensor (6.3×4.7mm) that’s waterproof to a depth of 20m (65.6ft) for two hours: the deepest yet offered by the range. Ricoh says this is equivalent to an IPX8 or JIS Class 8 rating.

It’s also shockproof from 2.1m (6.5ft), able to withstand 100kg force (220lb of force) and can withstand temperatures as low as -10°C (14°F). It has a 3.0″ 1.04M dot (720 x 480px) rear LCD.

The WG-8 has a 28-140mm equivalent zoom lens with an F3.5-5.5 maximum aperture and a six LED ringlight around the lens. It can shoot up to 4K/30 video and can act as a webcam. It includes GPS and compass.

Pentax WG-1000

Image: Ricoh

The less expensive WG-1000 has a 16MP sensor and a 27-108mm equiv zoom. This has a maximum aperture of F3.0-6.6. It makes do with a 2.7″ 230k dot (320 x 240px) rear display. It can only shoot video up to 1080/30.

Its durability specs are also lower, with waterproofing rated to 15m (49.2ft), shockproof from 2m (6.5ft). It also lacks its more expensive sibling’s GPS and compass features.

The WG-8 will be available in late July at a recommended price of $399.95. The WG-1000 will arrive in mid July, costing around $229.95.

Press Release:

Ricoh expands its lineup of waterproof digital compact cameras with the PENTAX WG-1000 and the PENTAX WG-8

PARSIPPANY, New Jersey, June 5, 2024 — Ricoh Imaging Americas Corporation today announced it has expanded its lineup of waterproof, digital compact cameras with two new models: the entry-level PENTAX WG-1000 and top-of-the-line PENTAX WG-8. The newest additions to the WG series of all-weather adventure cameras both feature a rugged chassis, plus the waterproof, dustproof and shock-resistant features the series is known for.

| The PENTAX WG-1000 |

The WG-1000 is designed for casual underwater photography to a depth of 49.2 feet (15 meters) for up to one hour of continuous operation. Lightweight yet rugged, the new camera is also well suited for a range of land-based activities – it is dustproof against dirt and stains and shockproof against a fall from a height of 6.5 feet (2 meters). It comes equipped with a carabiner strap for carrying convenience and a protective jacket to shield the camera body from scratches.

The WG-1000 features a four-times optical zoom lens with a focal-length coverage from 4.9 mm to 19.6mm (equivalent to approximately 27mm to 108mm in the 35mm format). When coupled with its Digital Zoom function, the camera’s zoom range can be extended by approximately 24 times for high-magnification zoom photography. Its back-illuminated, 16.35-megapixel CMOS image sensor delivers sharp, clear, high-resolution images, even at a super-high sensitivity of ISO 3200.

Available in gray or olive, the WG-1000 offers seven image capture modes and a variety of color modes, enabling users to enhance their images based on their shooting environment and add their own personal aesthetic to the finished photos. The color modes include conventional Black and White and Sepia modes, as well as more creative options like Japan Style, which enhances bluish hues; Italian Style, which enhances greenish hues; and French Style, which enhances reddish hues.

|The PENTAX WG-8 |

Developed to be the toughest of the PENTAX WG series, the WG-8 boasts outstanding waterproof, shockproof and cold-resistant performance. This top-of-the-line model is waterproof to a depth of 65.6 feet (20 meters), shockproof against a fall from heights of 6.8 feet (2.1 meters), and able to operate in temperatures as low as 14°F (-10°C). Even in demanding conditions, it captures super-high-resolution still images of approximately 20 effective megapixels and high- quality 4K-resolution movie clips.

The WG-8 features a five-times optical zoom lens with focal-length coverage from 5mm to 25mm (equivalent to approximately 28mm to 140mm in the 35mm format). The lens’s minimum focusing distance of one centimeter allows the user to capture a wide range of images, from eye-catching close-ups to sweeping landscapes. Its Intelligent Zoom function extends the zoom range by approximately 40.5 times without compromising image quality.

The WG-8 has a host of advanced features and user-friendly functions, including a multi- application ring light, ideal for close-up macro photography, and web camera capability when connected to a computer for live-streaming of high-quality, high-resolution images. Its heavy-duty construction ensures that the WG-8 performs superbly and dependably in harsh, demanding outdoor conditions and on worksites.

Available in black or green, the WG-8 effectively replaces the current-model RICOH WG-6 camera as the premium offering in the product line

| Pricing and Availability |

The WG-1000 will be available mid-July at as well as at Ricoh Imaging-authorized retail outlets nationwide for a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $229.95

The WG-8 will be available late July at as well as at Ricoh Imaging- authorized retail outlets nationwide for a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $399.95

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